Friday, August 20, 2010

Obama supporting Muslim Rights, Mosque Construction in Progress

"An assertion of Islamist triumphalism", a few words that came out of Former Speaker Newt Gingrich tagging the said project. Ever since the news of this project became known, various groups and politicians have vehemently opposing the project. Sarah Palin called this project a stab in the heart of the families of victims from the 9/11 terrorist attack.

President Obama, defending the right of the Muslims to build a 13-storey cultural center and a mosque to be named Cordoba House at a stone's throw from Ground Zero. The US President gave his support for the project in the presence of US Congressmen, government officials and diplomats, stressing out that this project should be pushed through, otherwise, it would contradict to US' commitment to religious freedom. 
Marking the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan,Obama highlighted what opposing parties have avoided mentioning; that the project is short distance away from the hallowed Ground Zero and on private land subject to local laws. Obama further stated that the United States welcomes people of all faith to live in the country and the law treats all religious groups as equal. Furthermore, he said, that the project must have the "GO" signal of the concerned authorities just like any other project of any religious community in the USA.
Among the few notable politicians who did not oppose the project has been the New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. After its initial hesitation, President Obama backed the project with clear understanding of what the US stands for and the values it preaches in its contacts with the international community. He said America's religious tolerance sets it apart from “its enemies” and it is on the basis of that tolerance, the project must be given official approval.

There was one particular reference that made the President's support for the mosque at Ground Zero both refreshing and full of promise. To his audience at the White House, the President said, “Al Qaeda's cause is not Islam…It is a gross distortion of Islam”. In the days, months and years till President Bush left office, the US and its allies had lumped Al Qaeda, Islam and all the Muslims of the world into one; holding them responsible for the 3,000 deaths in the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.

In June last year, President Obama had given his historic speech in Cairo extending US' hand of friendship to the Muslim world in an attempt to bridge the deep divide his predecessor had inserted between the West and Islam like he was following on Professor Huntington's prophecy of the clash of civilizations.

President Obama is living up to the promises for which just not the USA but the world, particularly the Muslim world, had hoped he would win the election for the White House. The President's support has come when elections to the Congress are due in three months and the Democrats are in a tight corner. He has thus placed ethics and principles ahead of politics that not enhances his credibility to the Muslims only but also his stature as a statesman to the rest of the world.

M. Serajul Islam
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