Saturday, September 18, 2010

Anna Hildur of IMX visited ICELANDia TV, Tokyo

Anna Hildur Hildibrandsdóttir, the managing director of Iceland Music Export, visited the Internet TV Show of my friend Yuka Ogura @ Tokyo, Japan. Yuka is blogging about Iceland in Japanese & is a big fan of Icelandic music like me.

They had a chat about Icelandic music in general, and Iceland Airwaves Festival in particular.
The Interview starts @ 42:00

Yuka's Blog about Iceland in Japanese
Reminds me of this: 2 times Japan!
"Japanese Policeman" of their Debut Album "Mineur-Aggressif". It was recorded by Curver Thoroddsen & Bigital in the spring of 2002 and release by Smekkleysa SM Label in 2003.
Video was directed by Ragnar Hansson.

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