Sunday, September 26, 2010

Inverted Philippine Flag During the UN Summit

 UPSIDE DOWN. President Benigno Aquino III and US President Barack Obama 
in a press conference at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on Saturday

According to some sources, ABS-CBN does not want to broadcast the wrong installation of the Philippine Flag in United Nations Summit even before Sunday. No Presidential staff for Noynoy made a move to correct this. Is Philippine at war now since the flag has been reverted? The officiali photo above, which is also posted on show Obama, President Benigno Aquino, and the inverted Philippine flag -- with its red section on top instead of blue.

There has been a lot of harsh comments in Facebook regarding the abovementioned broadcasting firm. The Social Media community calls this the "ANC and COMM GROUP Conspiracy" regarding this bizarre installation of the Philippine flag during the said summit. Well, I would leave this topic to your individual judgment.

"ANC doing a diversionary tactic/damage control in protection of their BIAS network and their incompetent/coward/stupid Noynoy Aquino. Can't get the link since I'm still banned from posting and commenting on their wall.", says one Facebook user.  

Nevertheless, an apology statement from the US Embassy was published yesterday. The United States embassy apologized on Sunday over the inverted Philippine flag displayed during the meeting between US President Barack Obama and leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City on Saturday.

US embassy spokesperson Rebecca Thompson described the incident as “an honest mistake.”

“The US treasures its close relationship and close partnership with the Philippines which were demonstrated this past week during President Aquino’s trip to the US, with the signing of the MCC Compact, the US-ASEAN meeting, and the meeting of our two Presidents that followed it,” she said.

The Philippine government’s official website,, published the US apology.

Malacañang, however, has yet to comment on the issue.

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