Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Visitors The Last 2 Years

It's been 2 years since Dr. Gunni interviewed me for an article in Fréttablaðið Newspaper.
I've included a new counter (Flag Counter) that day.
Since 13. October 2008 more than 200.000 unique visitors from 178 different countries had a look @ my blog.
Top 5 Visiting Countries of I love Icelandic music Blog
26% from the USA (> 52.000)
13% from Iceland (> 26.000)
8% from the UK ( > 17.000)
6% from Germany (> 13.000)
3% from Canada (> 7.000)
Followed by people from France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Australia & Norway.
Thank you all folks!
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