Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sing for me Sandra "Apollo's Parade" Hlustunarpartý @ Faktorý 21. September 2010

You can listen to the debut album "Apollo's Parade" of Sing For Me Sandra @ Faktorý (previous Grand Rokk) on Tuesday 21. September @ 21:00.
Albums contains 12 songs:
1. March of the Grim
2. Time Will Tell
3. Ben Clover
4. Those Flying Spits
5. Atmosphere
6. Save Me From The Rhythm
7. Fangorn
8. 27th of May
9. The Fight
10. Breathe
11. My Salvation
12. Walliam
The album will be released on 28. September on Record Records, but there's a presale @ the listening session.
Album Sampler:

Sing for me Sandra @ MySpace
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