Friday, October 29, 2010

Sort of Review of Iceland Airwaves 2010 Festival - Two New Blogs Soon

Change my name
This is the last & final post on this blog.
I was in Reykjavik one WE before Airwaves running around my 101 habitat to obtain some Pré-Airwaves feeling.
Enjoyed some bands that I heard for the first time live:

Two Tickets To Japan, Morning after Youth & Coral @ Rock Bar Dillon on Thursday 7. October
Valdimar @ Sodoma on Friday 8. October
BOB @ Faktory (working on their 2nd album) on Saturday 9. October
My Review of Airwaves '10
Pré-Airwaves - On Tuesday I enjoyed 7 artists @ Faktory. Thank you Runar Magnusson!
On Wednesday 8 gigs @ Faktory.
On Thursday 5 (venue) + 4 (off-venue) gigs
On Friday 5 (venue) + 4 (off-venue) gigs (2 bands not on stage @ Airwaves)
On Saturday 6 (venue) + 1 (off-venue) + 1 backstage/soundcheck @ NASA (Hellvar)
On Sunday 4 gigs (off-venue) + 1 short movie screening (Where's the snow?!)

Best Foreign Bands (as usual I had my focus on the Icelandic Artists)
2 Danish artists
Selvhenter with 2 female drummers - nice mix with Runar & friends on stage
Spleen United
Best Icelandic Artists (in my humble opinion alphabetically!)
Amiina as a sextet (with drummer & Kippi Kaninus) off-venue @ Havari
Barujarn with theremin @ Amsterdam
Captain Fufanu @ Tjarnarbio
Coral off-venue @ Backpackers Hostel (Laugavegur)
Ensimi @ NASA
Ghostigital @ Tjarnarbio
Gjöll @ Faktory
Hellvar @ NASA
Mammut off-venue @ Hresso
Pascal Pinon @ Risid
Prinspolo off-venue @ Havari (+ I saw the générale the day before)
Reptilicus @ Faktory
Reykjavik! @ NASA off-venue @ Boston
Saktmodigur @ Amsterdam
S.H. Draumur @ NASA
Solstafir @ Sodoma
Sudden Weather Change go Ghostigital @ Tjarnarbio off-venue @ Boston
Best Projection
Ghostigital Saturday @ Tjarnarbio
Hlodaklettar Evenings Tuesday & Wednesday @ Faktory
Best Outfit/Stage Costume
Captain Fufanu Saturday @ Tjarnarbio
Best Dancers on Stage
2 dancing queens on stage with Barujarn @ Amsterdam
Friends on stage with Ghostigital @ Tjarnarbio
Best Pregnant Singer

Singer of Worm is Green, like fellow female singers Björk did with KUKL, Heida i Unun with big belly on stage (baby doing pogo dancing I suppose)
Brightest Icelandic Hope
Nolo @ Venue
Best Anarchistic Singer
Siggi Pönk (aka The Punk Nurse) of Gjöll Tuesday @ Faktory
Best Cover Song
Sudden Weather Change go Ghostigital: with a cover of the song "Goodmorning"
Most Disappointing Gig
Evil Madness @ Faktory: "no evil, no madness, no Johann Johannsson"
Worst food & drinks
Sponsoring by a famous Dutch Beer.
Although they are obligated to give people water for free (Icelandic law), some bar personnel asked people to pay for the pure Icelandic, glacial H2O.
It is time to change the name (I don't like ALL Icelandic music/I even love non-Icelandic music) & re-invent myself.
You can follow my 2 new blogs entitled "Icelandic Music Maffia" & "Icelandic Music Museum"
(both abbreviated as IMM) .
Icelandic Music Maffia
A blog dedicated to independent music made in Iceland.
A blog dedicated to the past of Icelandic music & Music made in Iceland
October 2006 - October 2010
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