Buon inizio di settimana!!!
Riposati dopo il weekend?! Io decisamente no!
Manca poco più di un mese a Natale ed è quasi giunta l’ora di pensare a regalini
e addobbi…preparatevi quindi per gli “utilissimi” consigli di eli-a-porter sulle feste!!
Nel frattempo gustiamoci un nuovo contest “Best Dressed of the Week”: secondo me questa settimana sarà molto molto difficile scegliere la migliore…
Happy beginning of the week!!!
Did you rest during the weekend?! I definitely didn’t!
We’re more or less only a month far from Christmas and it’s almost time to start thinking about gifts and decorations…soooooo get ready for the “very very useful” eli-a-porter tips for the festivities!!
In the meantime let’s enjoy the new “Best Dressed of the Week” contest: I think it’s going to be really hard to pick the best celeb this week…
Ladylike look…I love the contrast made by the ruby lipstick
Dopo aver stupito tutti con questo nuovo taglio di capelli “pixie”, stupisce ancora con un LBD davvero insolito
After surprising everyone with her “pixie” haircut, she surprises one again with this truly unusual LBD
Marvellous Versace…nothing to add
Red!!! Though I say no to the shoes…
Colours and shapes are perfect also for the next warm season: short in the front, tail in the back…If only she was wearing a better make-up…