Ultimo appuntamento con le mini guide di eli-a-porter per l’ormai imminente Natale!!! Oggi vi presento i tre outfit high budget, sicuramente poco accessibili alle mie tasche ed a quelle dei comuni mortali, ma sognare non costa niente, giusto??! L’ispirazione spazia da un look molto bon ton (il mio preferito, a Natale preferisco l’eleganza alla comodità…) ad uno più modaiolo ma luccicoso ed infine ad uno decisamente rock!
Here’s the last eli-a-porter guide-post for the coming Christmas!!! Today I’m presenting you the tree high-budget outfits, which are definitely unavailable to my pockets and most of the common people pockets,…but well, dreaming is for free after all, isn’t it??!! Inspiration goes from a really bon ton look (my favourite, at Christmas I prefer elegance to comfort…) to a more fashionable and sparkling one, to end with a definitely rock outfit!
Sparkling Night
Herve Leger Sequin embellished bandage dress, Fendi fur trim coat,
Louboutin Bibi suede pumps, Nancy Gonzales Small crocodile clutch
Stella McCartney Sequin embellished dress, Jimmy Choo Edna leather boots,
Marni Flower beaded chain necklace, LV Favorit bracelet,
Yves Saint Laurent Roady Rock bag
Edgy Christmas
Stella McCartney Wool flannelled dress, Balmain leather jacket,
Alaia calf hair lace-up pumps, Valentino Glam rose and feather clutch,
Kelly Framel Silver snowflower earrings, Dannijo Vala Swarosky necklace
Ormai i giochi sono fatti! Vestiti comprati, regali piazzati sotto l’albero, lasagne quasi in forno e panettoni pronti per essere tagliati…Natale è davvero un giorno meraviglioso…
Well, there’s little left to do! Dresses bought, gift put under the tree, lasagne almost ready, panettoni ready to be tasted…Christmas is truly a wonderful day…
Background pics of London, Rome and Prague from web