Sicily Region allocates 11.9 mln for unions and associations of municipalities - Ficarazzi, 153 thousand
The Regional Councillor for Local Authorities and the Civil Service, Catherine Chinn, signed the decree that were assigned 11.955 million to the Unions and Associations of Municipalities in Sicily. In particular, 9.571 million will go to 57 unions and 2.383 to 27 consortia. The two lists were prepared in the Department ufficidel regional local authorities, taking into account the mode 'Chinnici that the commissioner had in its order of last December 23. "The allocation of these extraordinary resources to the municipalities - the Alderman says Chinnici - goes in the direction to enhance all forms of partnerships between various local governments, which may serve to achieve economies of scale within the budgets of agencies. Among other things, all this comes at a time in which the current financial situation of the region requires us to adopt a robust policy and therefore opportunities' like this can be a chance that local governments should not miss. " Five unions of municipalities funded in the province of Agrigento, Caltanissetta
two to three in Catania and Trapani, Ragusa and Enna, Messina sixteen to twenty-two to four in Syracuse and Palermo. The consortium that will receive contributions are, instead, one in Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Ragusa and Trapani, two in Catania and Enna, Messina, and sixteen to three in Palermo. These are the municipalities financed Unions of 57, indicating the number of local members, and the amount of common lead concesso. Agrigento (5): “Alto Verdura e Gebbia” (4, Lucca Sicula, 179mila euro), “Feudo D’Ali’” (4, Raffadali, 176mila), “Platani-Quisquina- Magazzolo” (5, Cianciana, 186mila), “Unione di Bovo marina-Eraclea minoa-Torre Salsa-Scala dei Turchi” (4, Siculiana, 179mila)e “Terre Sicane” (4, Menfi, 170mila). Caltanissetta (2): “Terre di Collina” (5, Serradifalco, 186mila) e “Alta valle dei Platani” (4, Sutera, 128mila). Catania (3): “Nebrodi Etna” (3, Maletto, 169mila), “Unione dei Comuni nocellara dell’Etna” (2, Ragalna, 156mila), “Unione terra del Verga” (2, Vizzini, 156mila). Enna (1): “Corone degli Erei” (6, Catenanuova, 191mila). Messina (16): “Unione dei comuni Valdemone” (2, Alcara Li Fusi, 159mila), “Paesi dei Nebrodi” (3, Caprileone, 169mila), “Valle del Patri” (4, Castroreale, 176mila), “Terra dei Lancia” (2, Ficarra, 156mila), “Valle del Nisi, area delle terme” (3, Fiumedinisi, 169mila), “Via regia dell’Alcantara” (4, Francavilla di Sicilia, 179mila), “Unione dei comuni del comprensorio di Giardini Naxos e Taormina (3, Giardini Naxos, 166mila), “Unione of the common valley of Monte Scuderi "(2, Italy, 159mila)," Union common Nebrodi "(3, Longi, 169mila)," Union High Alcantara "(4, Mojo Alcantara, 179mila)," Union of Municipalities of the Tyrrhenian Trinacria "(4, Pace del Mela, 176mila)," Union Nebrodi "(6, Sant'Agata di Militello, 194mila)," Union of Municipalities peaks Nebrodi "(2, San Teodoro, 159mila)," Union of Municipalities of valleys of Ionian Peloritani "(14, Sant'Alessio Siculus, 250 thousand)," Valli Nebrodi "(3, Tortorici, 166 thousand) and" Union Alesina costs "(2, Tusa, 159mila). Palermo (22): "Real Imera" (2, Alimena, 159mila), "lower valley of Torto" (5 Aliminusa, 183mila), "The four lands" (4, Belmonte Mezzagno, 160 thousand), "Val d'Himera northern" (3, Caltavuturo, 169mila), "Union of Municipalities of the towers between sea and mountains" (2, Capaci, 134mila), "Union of Municipalities of the Barony" (2, Carini, 156mila), "Union of Arab baths in addition to Alpe Cucco ( 2, Cefala 'Diana, 159mila), "Union of Municipalities San Leonardo" (2, Ciminna, 159mila), "Union of Municipalities of Corleone" (3, Corleone, 176mila), "Union of Municipalities Raven Eleuterio "(2, Ficarazzi, 153 thousand)," Union of Municipalities of Ventimiglia "(2, Gangi, 156mila)," Rocca Dall'Eleuterio Busambra "(3, Marineo, 166 thousand)," Pizzo Marabo "(2, Mezzojuso, 159mila), "Land of Olives" (2, Misilmeri, 156mila), "Union of Municipalities Jetas-Monroe" (4, Monreale, 127mila), "Montelepre-Borgetto" (2, Montelepre, 153 thousand), "Union of Petralia and IMO it was salsa "(4 Petralia Sottana, 179mila)," Besa "(4, Piana degli Albanesi, 176mila)," Valdemone "(2, Pollina, 159mila)," Union of Municipalities doors of Madonie "(2, Polizzi Generosa, 159mila)," Valley Sosio "(5, Prizzi, 183mila) and Valle del Torto and Feuds" (6, Vicari, 197mila). Ragusa (1): "Union ibleide" (3, Chiaramonte Gulfi, 166 thousand). Syracuse (4): "Union Terias Climate" (2, Carlisle, 153 thousand), "Ionic" (2, Carlisle, 153 thousand), "Land of waters" (2, Frant, 156mila) and "Valley of Iblei (7, Acreide Palazzolo, 190 thousand). Trapani (3): "Valle del Belice" (5, Partanna 183mila), "Valley of the Elimi" (4, Salemi, 148mila) and Union of Municipalities elimo-Erice " (5, Valderice 162mila). These, however, the 27 consortia of Commons supported, indicating the number of local members, the name of the leader and the amount paid. Agrigento (1): "Gal Quisquina" (5, Santo Stefano Quisquina, 86mila). Caltanissetta (1): "The Five Valleys" (5, Vallelunga Pratameno 86mila). Catania (2): "Etneo for legality '" (16, Catania, 100 thousand) and "Ducezio" (8, Licodia Euboea, 100 thousand). Enna (2): "History and the mountains" (2, Castelferrato Gagliano, 71mila) and "inter-municipal waterworks Consortium" (4, Centuripe, 40 thousand). Messina (16): "Consortium common work "(16, Valdina, 100 thousand)," Tindari Nebrodi "(16, Patti, 100 thousand)," Consorzio Tirreno echo 2000 "(15, Monforte San Giorgio, 100 thousand)," Saracen Coast "(7, Piraino, 80 thousand), "Consortium of houses Filangeri" (7, Myrtle, 100 thousand), "Val D'Agro '" (7, Sant'Alessio Siculus, 100 thousand), "Valley dell'Halesa" (6, Tusa, 100 thousand), " Solearte "(5, San Marco d'Alunzio, 84 thousand)," Consortium for the enhancement and promotion of the earth "(5, Roccalumera, 100 thousand)," Gese Consortium "(4, Torregrotta, 100 thousand), Consortium to promote the ancient crafts and traditions "(4, Fiumedinisi, 99mila)," cleaner "(4, Nizza di Sicilia, 73mila)," Manofocaro "(3, Fondachelli Fantina, 80 thousand)," Eco 3 "( 3, Brolo, 64 thousand), "University Ionic" (2, Furci Siculus, 80 thousand) and "Consorzio Inter-services" (2, Ali 'Terme, 74 thousand). Palermo (3): "Metropolis est" (15, Bagheria, 100 thousand), "Development and Law '" (8, San Giuseppe Jato, 89mila) and "Imera Development 2010" (6, Termini Imerese, 100 thousand). Ragusa (1): "Valley Ippari" (4, Victory 76 thousand). Drills (1): "Trapanese for freedom 'and legality'" (12, Castelvetrano, 100 thousand).