Monday, June 11, 2007

Who Has The Most Items In Their Inventory?

HOW MANY THINGS DO YOU HAVE in your inventory? I've just met a guy who has over 13,000 items!!!!!!

Jieux Shepherd, (pictured above), who runs the "Mitzvah Bar" out at Ir Shalom likes to make sure he has whatever it is that he may be asked for. "I have all sorts of strange stuff," he told me, "like today, someone wanted cheesecake, and I had a slice."

But I suppose an inventory of over 13,000 items does come in handy when you also involved in a satirical Jewish Mardi Gras parade group - Krewe du Jieux - based in New Orleans (check out

"I'm sure there are folks with more drek than I have," speculated Jieux who is currently in the process of writing an Inventory Help Card to help other people control their inventories. But in words as in stuff, Jieux likes excess, referring to himself as "verbose".

What is that saying about "healer, heal thyself"? lol

Before we parted, he rummaged around and found this witty little gem in his gargantuan bag of tricks:

The Linden Lab's prayer by Myrilla:

"Our Lindens, who art in the Labs,
Hallowed by the prims,
They Grid-dom come, they will be done,
On sims, as it is in The Preview.
Give us this day our daily crash,
And forgive us our Spammery.
As we forgive those, who grief against us
And lead us not, into private parcels.

So, how many items do you have in YOUR inventory? Our own Fashion Queen here at SL Newspaper, Dana Vanmoer has admitted to 11,619 items. Let us know in the comment section below.
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