Monday, June 11, 2007

Kevin Holehan (aka Barone DeCuir)

Kevin Holehan (aka Barone DeCuir)

A RL artist new to SL whose main aim in life is to find peace of mind, something very diifcult when suffering from mental health issues, namely as a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic (non-violent). His condition was brought about as the result of a brutal attack in the street nearly 25 years ago, for which no-one was arrested, and which left both visible and mental scars to this day. He has always painted even as a child, and uses a canvas or paper as a means to express himself. As a 'mature' student, he studied at the Morley college in London and also at The Camberwell College of Art, also in London. Mainly abstract in style, his paintings are colourful and at times, thought provoking whilst never aimed to shock. He works on all sizes and types of media from small 3" square paper to six foot square canvasses, most of which he never considers as 'finished'. He will often reuse the same canvas over & over again unless it is taken away. Since being diagnosed, he has been unable to sell his work (due to benefit regulations) and is constantly frustrated because he sees no way out of the 'social trap' he finds himself in. Art is his only release.

Through the websites created by his friend, he has managed to 'put his work out there', quite a challenge as there are literally hundreds of drawings, sketches & paintings created over the years (and more being created every month) just sitting around unviewed by anyone. Using the websites, he also manages to address the mental health issues and is a strong supporter and member of various charities associated with the subject. He would be keen to find out if any other artist in SL has similar issues and if they too have found SL helpful as a means to get through the trials & tribulations of RL.

Kevin can be contacted through his websites and any info received from fellow artists/sufferers will remain strictly confidential and never revealed to a third party. Comments on his art are always welcome and encouraged.


Originally set up three years ago as a means to allow fellow artists from around the world to show their work, free of charge, on the web. Some are well known artists, mainly from Pembrokeshire, Wales and even a few are award winners!! The SL version (location listed below), has only two artists at the moment, Baron DeSantis & Barone DeCuir although we would like to invite others to join in and help to create a huge gallery to show all their work.


Location of Repost Gallery within SL: Palulop 114,206,26
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