Ive been reading your column before I came into SL and you seem to have good advice.
Im a woman and only been in SL for a week. Im still getting myself organised with my avatar, skin, hair, clothes, shoes etc.
But I gotta tell ya, every single time I come online, I have wimmen coming up to me and saying I'm cute, or that they like me, or asking if I want company, or can they hang with me ... What's going on? I've still got the basic avatar you arrive with so it's not as though I have better looks than anyone else.
These wimmen are like bees around a honey pot! Its getting a bit creepy cos it just keeps happening.
It got so bad that I went and hid in some caves and and still one found me! And I was REALLY hiding. Im sending you a pic of me - can you see why these wimmen want me?
'Chick Magnet'
Dear Chick Magnet,
Well sweetie, you look rather ordinary to me, but that could be because you're just not my type! Those full lips do look deliciously kissable though. lol
Mmmm .... unwanted advances are disconcerting because it's just so tedious having to repel them. BUT they do say, being bisexual doubles your chances of a date on Saturday night, so maybe you are being a bit hasty in thwarting your suitors.
I don't know why these women are finding you so damnably appealing ... maybe you're giving off an aura innocence or naivety? Whatever it is, it's magnetism and people pay money and go to expensive forums to learn how to get that!
SL is as much about role play as fulfilling fantasies, so maybe you should just go with it and play the temptress? Or adopt these amorous amazons as your fan club? Or play the mean mistress? Start a bordello?
There is nothing much you can do about what other people do. They will approach you or not ... according to their desires and whims, not yours. You can always go frumpy if it gets you down too much.
But I'm curious .... are there other people out there in SL who have to beat off suitors with a stick?