Dear Bella.
I am a furry with an active sex life. I enjoy having different partners but am always careful to keep them separate. I juggle my calendar with a fair amount of skill, even if I do say so myself.
The problem is, sometimes I cough up a furball that's a different colour than the partner I'm with at the moment. What should I do?
'Furball Furry'
Dear Furball,
LOL When I finally stopped laughing at your dilemma, the obvious solution seemed to me that you either stop coughing or stop licking! LOL
But .... there is another solution. Like the true gentleman I'm sure you are, what you could do when you feel a cough coming on, is to slightly turn your head, cough up the furball, give it quick once over to see if the fur colour matches your partner's. If it doesn't, very delicately put your hand up to mouth, spit the ball into your palm and then, oh so discreetly, slip it into your pocket (do furries have pockets?)
If it does match, you could present it to your lady love (presuming it IS a female you're with?) as a little memento of your evening's licking. She will be so touched by this, that she might even lick you back!
And for all you humans out there, just be grateful that it's only the occasional hair you have to worry about! LOL
Lots of love, (I don't know why, but your letter has made me come over all affectionate),

(Photo by Paolo Bade)