(Photo above: The gang settles in for a boozy session of Guiness drinking and smoking cigarettes).
A LAZY SATURDAY MORNING in Second Life. I wonder what people are up to? What do they do in here, that they can’t do in their First Life?
So, into my favourite striped hippy outfit, with bare feet and out into the big ol’ world of SL to find out. Would I go by my magic carpet ride, our plane, or just plain ol' teleporting?
First stop was the pub a group of us are thinking of taking over as our 'Press Club' and one of the most beautiful sites you’ll find in SL. And who was there? A group of boozers downing Guinness and chewin’ the fat. “What do people do in SL that they don’t do in real life?” I asked. “That’s easy, replied one wit, they don’t weigh 280 pounds!”
Dingo Kardex was quick to point out, “Well I’m a guy, so I gotta be nine feet tall.” “And what about those guys who walk around with their scimitar exposed, big as my leg and the wrong colour?” asked someone else. “I mean, honestly, what do they imagine that’s good for? Wooing mares?”
As she spoke, Dingo puffed away on a cigarette - something it’s actually illegal to do in some countries - smoke in a public place. So there is another thing you can do in SL that you can’t do in first life - smoke with impunity and no regard to health risks.
I reflected on my own temptation the day before to buy a pair of crocodile skin shoes. Something you CAN do in SL that won’t have safety or ethical ramifications for any crocodiles.
Over at Laguna Beach (?), the beautiful Glenjineer Abernathy was dancing with her equally beautiful friend, having a bit of a gossip as they grooved. She told me about the island’s owner, Puff Woodin who had raised several thousand dollars for breast cancer research, which she may not have been able to do in first life.
I was directed to the very unusual Scented Dix, whose appearance was a head, bosom, derriere and legs. “Every man’s dream!” she exclaimed.

(Photo above: Scented Dix gives men what they want).
Next stop was another beach. This time a pair of amorous Dutch lovers couldn’t be talked into an interview and so I left them to it, whispering words of love and devotion presumably. Or maybe they were discussing the stock market.
Maybe that Spanish/Portugese/Brazilian guy over there on a unicorn would be interested? No, he just wanted to take off into the clouds.
Another Dutch couple clip-clopped into earshot on a pair of beautiful Clydesdale horses, but they were off for a gallop along the beach.
Okay, let’s check out a bit of nightclub action, but before I could settle in for a chat, SL’s five minute warning for re-logging appeared and it was every man and woman for themselves as everyone scattered to the four compass points seeking refuge from being booted.
And then I found the exotically beautiful Babette Sivocci - bare bodied and beautifully tattooed, strolling nonchalently along near Indyra Fashion Originals store. It seemed redundant to ask what did she do in SL that she couldn’t do in RL.

(Photo above: The beautiful Babette Sivocci displays her very beautiful tattooed body to us all).
Next to teleport to the site was Megan Torricelli. So, what did SL allow her to do that she couldn’t in her First Life? “Well I don’t own a strip club in real life,” she replied, referring to her club Ready Or Not.
My next interviewee was Nettle Blackthorne (I just love the names we have in SL). I couldn’t help noticing her beautiful face and a stunning pair of bovver boots she had on - kinda like gymn shoes but with vicious look spikes all along the outside rim of the sole.
“Real life, I’m a divorced mommy of two, that attends PTA meetings and does the whole carpool thing,” she answered when I asked my standard question.
“This, is the ‘great escape’.” These are my man stompers.” I’m quite conservative, so this is the inner me fighting against conservatism. Here I can be whatever I want ... a vamp .... a slave.”
When I asked Nettle if this expression of her inner self gave her a sense of contentment, she agreed that she did feel a little more fulfilled in her life by expressing this aspect of her personality.
Jeaniesing Trilling was the next person to join in the discussion. She was immediately noticeable in as much as, she wasn’t the obligatory ‘skinny minnie’ that everyone seems to aspire to in SL. She was very attractive with an ample figure of curvaceous roundness.
“I worked hard to get out of that Barbie mould,” she remarked. “The shape is of my own making, as is the hair.”
“In RL I am a pillar of the community. I don’t tell them I have a second life.”
“I live in a fairly rural area and have long depended on the net to find people of like mind. Here I can spend every night going to live concerts and talking with interesting people. And of course, buying and wearings gowns. How often do you wear a gown in real life?”

(Photo above: Just two ordinary American mommies expressing themselves - Jeaniesing Trilling and Nettle Blackthorne).
But do you know the highpoint of my day? A friend IM’d me to say, “Come and marry me!” She had decided, (on a whim as far as I can figure) to marry her current beau and she wanted me and a friend of ours to conduct the ceremony. When I pointed out the dangers of “Marry in haste, repent at leisure” she breezily waved away my wariness.
“It’s SL, it will be okay.”
So that's what you can do in Second Life that you can't do in First Life. Just about everything!