Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Party: The Fashionista!

Se dico fashionista…a chi pensate??!! Io penso a lei, che è considerata una delle ragazze più alla moda, di gusto ed eleganti del momento. Chi??

If I say fashionista…who do you think about??!! I think about her, a girl considered as one of the most fashionable, stylish and smart of the moment. Who??


Forse sconosciuta ai più, ma senz’altro punto di riferimento ed ispirazione per le amanti del fashion system. Sembra non sbagliare un colpo, abbinando perfettamente stili e colori, ma soprattutto giocando d’astuzia con gli accessori.

Not so famous to many, but definitely a referring point and inspiration for the fashion lovers. She seems to make always the right choice, perfectly matching styles and colours, but mostly playing it right with accessories.






2 le proposte…high budget e low cost!

2 suggestions…high budget and low cost!



(Left: Eugenia Kim fedora, Balenciaga bracelet, Stella McCartney skirt, Marc by MarcJacobs sweater, Fendi Peekaboo, Valentino heels)

(Right: Isabel Marant jacket, Cloè blouse, Roberta by Olivia Palermo collar, Stella McCartney skinny and purse, Nina Peter gloves, Marc Jacobs flats)

Stile decisamente bon ton, un po’ New York un po’ Parigi…Scegliete Stella McCartney e Valentino oppure Chloè ed Isabel Marant…al braccio non dimenticate il vostro accessorio migliore…un aitante fidanzato da far invidia!!!

Bon ton style, a little New York and a little Paris…Choose Stella McCartney and Valentino or Chloè and Isabel Marant…don’t forget to put at your arm your best accessory…a gorgeous boyfriend to turn every girls’ head!!!




(Left: Topshop gilet, leggings, heels, ring, Asos fedora, purse and ring, Tom Ford shades)

(Right: River Island leather shorts, Topshop jacket, loafers, Asos bag and bracelet, Zara necklace, Chloè shades)

Pelle, piume, nero e oro, occhiali grandi e cappello fedora, oppure shorts di pelle, giacca di tweed e mocassino con tacco…piccola purse abbinata ai tacchi oppure la ormai mitica school bag di Asos…Il trucco?! Abbondate con gli accessori ed il sorriso!

Leather, feathers, black and glod, oversize shades and fedora hat, or leather shorts, tweed jacket and heeled loafers…tiny purse matching the heels or the classis school bag by Asos…What’s the extra inch?! Lots of accessories and a big smile!

Domani terzo ed ultimo post...non perdetelo!!! Sarà un vera sorpresa!!!!

Don't miss tomorrow's post, the last one of the's going to be a real surprise!!!!


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