Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My interview with Barone DeCuir

I love Kevin's art (Barone DeCuir in secondlife), I don't know why it appeals to me but it does. I had a chance to ask him a few questions and thought i would share his views with you on second life and art:

DV. How did you first discover Secondlife and how has it affected your art?
BD. First heard about SL on the television and thought it looked like fun, so decided to check it out. As to affecting my art, I don't really think it has any effect as such, but it has given me the opportunity to display my art in a more life like environment, instead of the flat 2d space of a website. Having said that, I am amazed by some of the things people are doing in SL, paintings, sculptures etc. so maybe it does affect me, in the back of my mind.
DV. Why did secondlife appeal to you?
BD. It is a great way to meet and interact with other people from all over the world, people that I would never meet in RL because of distance etc. Another reason was to show my work and gauge the reactions of 'visitors' to the galleries. Being new to computers I have tried to utilize them as much as possible, hence the websites, web cam and SL itself.
DV. What have you found to be the most rewarding thing about SL?
BD. Being able to do the things that I would like to do in RL, but am unable to, like planting an avenue of pink trees beside our own gallery (laugh), and of course seeing my painting in the SL Newspaper foyer.
DV. Do you find people generally respond well to your art and does it bother you if they don't?
BD. I have had quite a few people comment on it, all good so far. I welcome any response to my work but few actually do bother to make comments, wish more people would, haha
I was amazed when I saw that the newspaper had bought a painting from me, a real morale booster, thank you. If people don't like my art, they haven't said so, but then everyone's taste is different so it wouldn't be a major problem. I paint for myself really, rather than for other people so if they like it, that's great, a bonus. If they don't , well never mind. You can't please everyone (smile). My work is about the experience of painting them, rather than creating to please.
DV. Have you found other like minded artists in secondlife that have helped you?
BD. We have visited loads of galleries and purchased work from other artists to show in the Repost Galleries, that is what it is about, sharing and showing work, encouraging others to see the wide range of talents available within SL. There are many, many artists showing their work and making it available for others to buy. You just don't get that in RL, not to the extent that it happens in SL anyway. You don't have to be a 'name' in SL, everyone has the same opportunity to exhibit, regardless of background or training. That's the great thing about SL. As to having been helped by other artists? Not really, but on my first day in SL, a nice lady gave me plants for my little plot of land lol. To be honest I am not fantastic on the computer so generally I just hop about, visiting different places or sit in the gallery to talk to anyone that might visit, plus look after the dog, (laugh).
I personally discovered Kevins art while redecorating the office and needing something original to hang on the wall. We have since added a few more and you are welcome to come to the office to see them, or you can see them at the Repost gallery or Kevins website here.
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