WELL, IT'S FINALLY HAPPENED - I've joined the ranks of the people that you've pissed off!
For the five plus months I've been here, every time I've heard people bellyaching about the bad service, crashes, lag, inventory loss etc., I've thought to myself, "Oh come on now, give them a break, they're trying ..." but today was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
I'd been invited to a unique orchestral performance over at Intempesta's "Opera Populaire" but the lag was so bad, that it was excrutiating trying to move a couple of feet and given that the performance was all about the audience mingling with the orchestra, it was all but impossible!
Add to that the restriction on audience size to maybe 20 people, which is absolutely ridiculous, I don't know about anybody else, but I crashed several times.
How on earth can you possibly expect ANY business, much less BIG business to be attracted to Second Life, Lindens? You cite almost TEN MILLION residents, yet you can't even offer a stable service to 20!!!!!!
This just isn't good enough! I've had friends who have paid lots of money to buy land and then can't even invite friends over because the club next door to them, has filled the sim.
Lindens, I have no idea what your ultimate goal is as far as Second Life is, but I can't help feeling that your grasp is exceeding your reach ... you are not providing the most basic thing - a stable service.
You can't possibly go home fulfilled and satisfied at the end of the working day, knowing that you have pissed off more people than you've made happy.
I love Second Life and certainly appreciate the world you started for us - but PLEASE make it a stable environment. You are kidding yourselves if you think Coca Cola or IBM or any multi-national company is going to rely on you as a business environment, when you can't even provide a small gathering with any certainty of stability.
I feel like I am travelling in an old jalopy, held together by rubber bands.
With the very best of intentions,
Miralee Munro