I HAVE A MILLION IDEAS on all sorts of subjects, but the one that I thought might get some legs here in SL, is for me to create a whole new "United Nations".
The one we have in First Life needs some tweaking I think and so, here is how I would go about it:
Every first life country represented here in SL would get one vote in my United Nations. There would be an elected Executive Council - elected by the members of my UN - not because they won a war that was waged 70 odd years ago.
(It seems ridiculous to me that all it takes for what could be a really good proposal, is for just ONE of First Life's UN Executive Council - the U.S.A, China, Russia, France or the United Kingdom - to veto it.) One obstinate country holds the whole world to ransom.
There would also be a proportionate number of spaces on our SL UN Executive Council for really small countries which would not usually get a representational vote. That way, 'large' countries would HAVE to consider the needs, plights, trade and economies of smaller nations.
The headquarters of my SL United Nations (how does SLUN sound as an acronym?) would be based in the poorest nation we have here - which would help its economy because all countries would be encouraged to set up an embassy there. This could be a kind of 'seeding' programme to give the country a financial boost until it managed to establish a more independent economy. Then the HQ could be moved to the next poorest nation.
Conferences etc., would be held in poor countries, not rich.
My SL United Nations would be funded with a small levy on all goods and serviced purchased in SL - that way, vibrant economies would be contributing more, but not in a burdensome way.
Socially, 'our' UN could host a number of multi-cultural events, symposiums, festivals, conferences etc, to foster better awareness and appreciation of other cultures. (Pretty much in the same way it already is in SL).
There could be sponsorships given in particular fields - science, medicine, environment, technology, economics and cross-pollination of research work.
Social issues such as female circumcision, child labour, honour killings, purdah, religious differences etc., could all be discussed in a open forum for better understanding of cultural idealogies.
I've always been fascinated by the concept of world peace and having achieved that, how much better ALL THAT MONEY that is spent on military funding, could be used.
SL is truly a wonderful international community and gives us the ideal opportunity of trying out new social concepts.
Eternal optimist that I am, I think it would be absolutely wonderful if say, the people of Israel and Palestine who wanted to find a workable resolution to their conflict, could find that solution in here, in SL, and take it out into their 'real' world.
I can't remember the time (I think it was ancient Greek) or whether it was a fable or not, but I always remember the story of how a country's women decided to end the war in their country by every single woman refusing to have sex with her man until all the men gave up the fighting. lol (In the fable it worked!)
Maybe I should sign myself Pollyanna!
As always, I'm interested to read what other people think on the subject. Shoot me down in flames or vote me president - let's see!

(My beautiful promo photo is by the very talented Paolo Bade - look him up!)
IF YOU WANT TO CONTACT ME - email BellaTheWise@gmail.com