Hmmmmm, this sounds interesting I thought and quickly read through the rest of the note and then did a quick search on LM's.
I sent an IM before TP'ing, letting her know I was on the way.
The owner MarillaAnne Slade greeted me on my arrival,
"How nice to see you again Nazz, so glad you could come over", she said smiling, "I do hope you enjoy the exhibit".
I thanked her and asked, "Tell me about the exhibit?"
Slade replied, "It's an exhibition of original photographs by Tonius Alderson.
I'll be hosting it through November 5th." We took turns on the teleport and she was waiting in the upstairs gallery for me,
"Let me know when you've rezzed." She said as the pictures on the walls and objects in the gallery came into focus.
"That is a great picture of a ballerina!" I exclaimed, "It reminds me of a Degas exhibit I saw in RL".
The dancer in a white dress was in a spin, her skirt twirling as she did; the photo capturing the graceful movement and gave one an impression of motion.
"THANK YOU … DEGAS … That is the name I'd been trying to think of!" she said excitedly, "This collection Tonius is sharing with us is titled "Dance Essence". This is but one of eleven pieces on exhibit."
I studied the picture for a few minutes, impressed by the image of grace and movement.
"Have you looked at the face?" MarillaAnne asked. I zoomed in using my camera control and studied it, the face was blurred somewhat at first but one could see an outline of it.
"I'm looking at it now" I said.
"Tell me what do you see?" She asked.
I told her of my impressions.
She laughed, "You must be one of those "practical men", look again and ask yourself about her appearance, feel yourself drawn to the beauty and be intrigued by it. Think of the season and ask yourself. Is a spirit joining the moment? Is the spirit escaping from the body? Or perhaps, they were only spirits from the beginning?"
I zoomed in again and studied it for a few minutes before telling her that I did appreciate what she had hoped for me to see, but, "I think I may be too much of a "practical man"." I told her. She laughed and said, "Maybe so Mr. Lane ... Maybe so."
We strolled through the gallery and chatting and viewing the images, returning to our starting point, I made an observation.
"The essence of dance is motion, and his work captures that very well." I stated.
"Honestly Nazz, there is more to dance then just the movement of the ballerina. There are feelings being evoked by the movement." MarillaAnne said, "Let that practical side of your mind go for a few moments and feel it. While you do that I have a kiosk to put out."
While she turned her attention on that task, I focused mine back to the dancer, studying her for several minutes. I realized that she had been right as my mind pictured not the image in front of me, but of the ballerina preparing for her spin, her mind focusing not on the movement but as an expression of how she felt. As her body begin to twirl, her face reflected a lovely smile, her eyes shining brightly as she spun. She felt the eyes of her audience on her, my eyes watching her gracefully twirl and she felt compelled to arch her back slightly, allowing us to see her lithe body more fully as she finished the movement.
Having told Marilla of my impressions, she smiled and replied, "I'm happy you were able to not only see the ballerina, but to feel it as well Nazz. That is what she wanted and what Tonuis wanted when he captured her image".
"I would really like to chat with Tonius, do you think that would be possible?" I asked.
Slade replied that she thought he would welcome the opportunity as he was new to SL, but I could check with him and she gave me his e-mail address.
"His RL home is in Italy, with the time difference he generally comes in world your very early morning hours. I suggest you leave him an IM as well." She said.
I thanked her once again for the invitation. "My pleasure Nazz, it's always wonderful to see you. Good luck with the story" she said.
With that I returned to my office and prepared a list of questions that I then sent via e-mail along with a notecard dropped into his inventory.
Having finished my work, I decided to return to the gallery, MarillaAnne had logged off for her dinner so I was alone. I clicked on the picture and realized I could purchase a copy, which I eagerly did, knowing that a dear friend would relish having it for her home. When it showed in my inventory, I called up her profile and dragged it over. A few minutes later she IM'ed me, "Oh my God Nazz! It is lovely. Thank you so much for thinking of me." I smiled, happy that she liked it, I replied and we discussed the essence of dance and the events of our day.

Later I was fortunate to have had Tonius respond to my e-mail interview questions.
They and his replies follow:
Nazz: Is photography your RL profession?
Tonius: No, I'm involved in something completely different but photography is my biggest passion since the early 80's, when I bought my first SLR camera. Photography is a passion that needs time and also - for me, at least - expensive but I'm really happy to spend my time with my Canon's bodies and lenses whenever is possible.
Nazz: Have you exhibited your work in RL?
Tonius: Yes, I've already exhibited my pictures twice, in Sorrento (south Italy), during the "Sorrento Jazz Festival", in 2006 and 2007, as "official photographer" of the event (I've shot pictures of Goran Bregovic, Ray Mantilla, Gloria Gaynor, and many other artists). Some of my works were purchased used for commercial and advertising purposes. I was also one of the "official photographers" of the Sorrento football team during 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 seasons (third division) and some of my pictures have been used by national newspapers inside their sport sections.
Nazz: Had you exhibited in SL previously?
Tonius: No, never before because I just got my SL account (September 2007). I have to thanks Ms. Marilla Slade for giving me the chance to exhibit my pictures and to Mr. Mag Greggan, a photographer as well, which was very important to introduce me into SL and allows me to know Ms. Slade.
Nazz: Do you have plans for more exhibitions? Will it be the same or different works?
Tonius: Yes, I'm planning other exhibitions with Mr. Mag Greggan's help and hope to organize them as soon as possible. My favorite subjects are dance and music events, landscapes, animals and wildlife and reportage but I think I'm going to exhibit these works again because I love long exposures, their ethereal effects and the way they let our imagination playing a decisive role.
Nazz: Where were the photos taken? Did you know the subjects?
Tonius: Some of the photos were taken few years ago at a Raffaella Pandolfi's Dance Show; others (HomoSax and Jazz Solo) at a live jazz events in Italy. I did not know the subjects and most important, none of them posed for me.
Nazz: Do you have a web site where my readers can go to and see your other work?
Tonius: Yes, I have a web site but it is under construction right now.
I hope to let you know about it as soon as possible.
by Nazz Lane