To Sarah Nerd
1...Why did you choose THAT name for your avatar ? And can you enclose a Newbee pic of yourself ?

I didn't put thought into it. My Real Life name is Sarah. Nerd looked the the best name on the list, after all were in a computer game.
2...How long were you in SL before you felt you could function and enjoy SL to its full (at least the basics) ?
I'd say a week or two to get the hang of it, and get my basics down.
3...What was the most embaressing moment in SL to date ?
Took me a week to learn how to unpack items. I'd see an outfit, buy it, wear it and have a box on my head. I thought people were pulling one over on me. I found a store that was sell contents and bought 3 or 4 outfits there because when I bought I didn't end up with a box. A good friend finally showed me how to unpack.
4...Do you have a picture / screenshot of the first place you hung out in SL ? (please enclose)

I remember being at a place called club Rev my first few days of SL because some of my friends who played sims online, and a real life friend of mine hung there. Shortly after I started hanging out at Klub Kink.
5...70% or more of your time in SL is used for ...... (if possible please elaborate)
Land land and a bit more land. I'm always hunting down land, quoting land, and working with my estates. I LOVE dealing land. I enjoy it more than anything else in SL. Land is just my thing.
6...Whats the best item you ever built ? Did you sell it ? And do you have a picture of it ? (please enclose)
A newbie penis I made late one night as more of a joke than anything. It's resulted in a lot of interesting and funny im's.
7...Are you happy with your avatar, or is there something you still want to change but havent done, or is impossible ? (please enclose picture of how your AV looks now)
I'm happy with the avatar I have now. I haven't changed her shape or hair for nearly two years.

The avatar I have now is "Sarah Nerd" and I'd feel weird doing any dramatic changes to her. I might wear a differnt hair for a day or two, but I always go back.
8...What was the most you ever paid for an item/object in SL ? And what was it ?
Full sims have been my biggest buys in SL. I think the most expensive thing I've ever bought was a 12K sex gen platinum. If I combined the cost of everything purple in my inventory, that would be a hell of a lot more.
9...If you could sum up your SL in one sentence what would it be ? Or if there is a oneliner you want to share with our readers what would it be ?