Most people know Pup Witherspoon as 'Miss CostaRica' but who is Pup Witherspoon? I sat down with her to find out...........

First I asked Pup about her motivation for entering the Miss SL universe contest..........
'Well anyone can put together an attractive avatar, and actually, it was Giancarlo who first approached me about the Miss Costa Rica Contest, I have land over there, and he suggested I might get involved, and that the winner would go on to the Miss SL Universe pageant. I thought about that, and decided, that it fit in with my goal to spend a bit less time working this coming year, and more time becoming involved in the various charities and other philanthropic things that are happening in SL, it's one thing for me to donate things for charity auctions or pump in some significant lindens, but that's not really becoming involved in the process and certainly doesn't do anything to enhance or help the long term goals.
Being Miss SL Universe can be a platform that I can function from. There will obviously be some publicity involved, and I hope that once folks realize my goals are oriented toward a working Miss SL Universe who's interests lie in public service, rather than perhaps in securing modeling contracts, I'm hopeful that I'll be able to get involved at various levels with some of the organizations.
You've probably heard this quote before...
but it's one I've loved for years, and that I firmly believe in, and live by;
'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.'
It's from Margaret Mead, and over the years, I've found it to be very true, that a core group, a small group, well organized, with definite goals, can in fact, effect change. What is so great about SL.. is that you can build a core group from a much wider spectrum of individuals here."
We moved on to talk about her building, Pup is an amazing builder and sim designer.......
"The land and the landscaping are the setting, much like the setting for a beautiful piece of jewelry, I get a great deal of satisfaction in building structures, and designing sims.. but I get true joy, an inner joy, when I start to landscape, terraform, and then plant, particularly with the incredible selection that Lilith and Dolly Heart have of gorgeous trees and bushes and flowers!"
We went back to talking about the contest.......
"what have I learned most about myself since the contest started, besides feeling like a duck out of water. I've been telling folks I'm the token clod kicking builder in a bevy of models, there is more to it than having a beautiful av, just the process of learning to walk on a cat walk, the turns, handling the various poses and your ao. This is more than just about beauty, the judges have been asking some very interesting and provocative questions they're probing, looking for what's behind the av because when it's all said and done, what makes each of us unique in here isn't the parts we buy, it's the heart and soul and brain behind the avatar."
I asked Pup about advice she has been given in SL and her early sl experiences.....
"oh.. the best advice I've been given in SL was right at the beginning, when folks suggested to me that the best way to fully enjoy this amazing application, was to go take classes, and I did, I practically lived at Teazer U and a couple of the other places, drove people nuts asking questions it isn't about the visual for me, though that's important, my first couple months here, it was all about "how do you do that", what's happening behind the scenes that makes that work.
My most significant accomplishment in SL has to be the time I spend with newbies, no doubt about that, getting them to see that they need to put some effort into learning the application, so that they can truly reap the benefits. I'm constantly interacting with newbies, either who buy my low prim houses, or who come rent on one of my sims, or I see them in stores asking "how do I get this box off me?", and sometimes when I have a spare hour, I go over to help island and answer questions, we need to find a better way to integrate new folks into SL."
"As for early experiences the funniest was a very close friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, had just purchased some new Xcite parts. We’re standing in a fairly high traffic area, and chatting with some folks, and she decides to “try them on”. Well…NOT being one to read directions, she starts throwing Xcite bits on her avatar, and all of a sudden, finds herself on the ground, on her back, in a Nonna Hedges evening gown, legs in the air and spread WIDE, having away at herself with a huge pink vibrator. Of course, I’ve started to laugh, the other folks around us are being very, very quiet, perhaps watching the “show” and I start to get these crisis IM’s from my friend. “OMG.. make it stop”, “How do I turn this off!!!!!”, “Bloody HELL, it won’t detach”, as her avatar is going from one orgasm to another in rapid succession. Sadly, I was no help, since I had to go AFK rather rapidly, and RUN to the ladies room, roaring with laughter the entire way… the sound of her voice ringing in my ears “You useless baggage, get your ass back here!”
I asked Pup if she had anything she would like people to know about herself........
"Probably that my 'persona' in Sl is truly who I am - this outgoing, but in some ways, old-fashioned woman, who's deeply concerned about what's happening in the world, who tries to find ways to help people help themselves, and who's driven in part, by the knowledge that I don't have a long time left on earth, maybe 3-5 years at this stage, so that tends to help me set priorities.
I'm a stickler for politeness, I hate drama, and get incensed when I see someone intentionally taking advantage of others for their own profit.
I have a rare disease called neurological sarcoidosis, I've had it for 8 years now, it's forced me to quit working in real life. It's progressive, and incurable, part of that group of diseases in the autoimmune group, like MS, RA, etc..... it's not a disease that gets much research money but perhaps someday, they'll find a better way to treat it, maybe something will come out of the stem cell research. See Dana, my SL income, with the exception of 10% that I drop on my fav charities, goes right into the college funds for my 2 nieces and 2 nephews, when I was working, and pulling in the 6 figure income, I was funding those without difficulty but when I had to stop working, my ability to drop a grand a month into those disappeared. When I found SL, and discovered that I could actually make money here, I was able to start putting money into those college funds again, they're very special kids.. all Mensa level, bright, well rounded, eager to learn, caring, just amazing kids.
You'd be surprised at how many disabled individuals have found new lives in SL, you know what's really cool.. for me? when this disease struck me down, and I realized I'd never be able to go back to work and do what I did, I finally cleaned out my closets.. and sent all those lovely business suits and great clothes and my shoes off to St Vincent dePaul and I cried, I had great clothes, and now I can wear the shoes again in here I can't in real life.
When I was doing custom homes.. that's what I was doing, building their "dream".. what they might never have in real life, but so desperately wanted.
I asked Pup to give me three words to describe herself, her answer is not surprising......
"Intelligent, compassionate, driven"
I have to agree
Thank you Pup for taking the time to talk to me, you are an amazing lady good luck for the future.
Dana XXX
(picture by Harper Beresford)

First I asked Pup about her motivation for entering the Miss SL universe contest..........
'Well anyone can put together an attractive avatar, and actually, it was Giancarlo who first approached me about the Miss Costa Rica Contest, I have land over there, and he suggested I might get involved, and that the winner would go on to the Miss SL Universe pageant. I thought about that, and decided, that it fit in with my goal to spend a bit less time working this coming year, and more time becoming involved in the various charities and other philanthropic things that are happening in SL, it's one thing for me to donate things for charity auctions or pump in some significant lindens, but that's not really becoming involved in the process and certainly doesn't do anything to enhance or help the long term goals.
Being Miss SL Universe can be a platform that I can function from. There will obviously be some publicity involved, and I hope that once folks realize my goals are oriented toward a working Miss SL Universe who's interests lie in public service, rather than perhaps in securing modeling contracts, I'm hopeful that I'll be able to get involved at various levels with some of the organizations.
You've probably heard this quote before...
but it's one I've loved for years, and that I firmly believe in, and live by;
'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.'
It's from Margaret Mead, and over the years, I've found it to be very true, that a core group, a small group, well organized, with definite goals, can in fact, effect change. What is so great about SL.. is that you can build a core group from a much wider spectrum of individuals here."
We moved on to talk about her building, Pup is an amazing builder and sim designer.......
"The land and the landscaping are the setting, much like the setting for a beautiful piece of jewelry, I get a great deal of satisfaction in building structures, and designing sims.. but I get true joy, an inner joy, when I start to landscape, terraform, and then plant, particularly with the incredible selection that Lilith and Dolly Heart have of gorgeous trees and bushes and flowers!"
We went back to talking about the contest.......
"what have I learned most about myself since the contest started, besides feeling like a duck out of water. I've been telling folks I'm the token clod kicking builder in a bevy of models, there is more to it than having a beautiful av, just the process of learning to walk on a cat walk, the turns, handling the various poses and your ao. This is more than just about beauty, the judges have been asking some very interesting and provocative questions they're probing, looking for what's behind the av because when it's all said and done, what makes each of us unique in here isn't the parts we buy, it's the heart and soul and brain behind the avatar."
I asked Pup about advice she has been given in SL and her early sl experiences.....
"oh.. the best advice I've been given in SL was right at the beginning, when folks suggested to me that the best way to fully enjoy this amazing application, was to go take classes, and I did, I practically lived at Teazer U and a couple of the other places, drove people nuts asking questions it isn't about the visual for me, though that's important, my first couple months here, it was all about "how do you do that", what's happening behind the scenes that makes that work.
My most significant accomplishment in SL has to be the time I spend with newbies, no doubt about that, getting them to see that they need to put some effort into learning the application, so that they can truly reap the benefits. I'm constantly interacting with newbies, either who buy my low prim houses, or who come rent on one of my sims, or I see them in stores asking "how do I get this box off me?", and sometimes when I have a spare hour, I go over to help island and answer questions, we need to find a better way to integrate new folks into SL."
"As for early experiences the funniest was a very close friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, had just purchased some new Xcite parts. We’re standing in a fairly high traffic area, and chatting with some folks, and she decides to “try them on”. Well…NOT being one to read directions, she starts throwing Xcite bits on her avatar, and all of a sudden, finds herself on the ground, on her back, in a Nonna Hedges evening gown, legs in the air and spread WIDE, having away at herself with a huge pink vibrator. Of course, I’ve started to laugh, the other folks around us are being very, very quiet, perhaps watching the “show” and I start to get these crisis IM’s from my friend. “OMG.. make it stop”, “How do I turn this off!!!!!”, “Bloody HELL, it won’t detach”, as her avatar is going from one orgasm to another in rapid succession. Sadly, I was no help, since I had to go AFK rather rapidly, and RUN to the ladies room, roaring with laughter the entire way… the sound of her voice ringing in my ears “You useless baggage, get your ass back here!”
I asked Pup if she had anything she would like people to know about herself........
"Probably that my 'persona' in Sl is truly who I am - this outgoing, but in some ways, old-fashioned woman, who's deeply concerned about what's happening in the world, who tries to find ways to help people help themselves, and who's driven in part, by the knowledge that I don't have a long time left on earth, maybe 3-5 years at this stage, so that tends to help me set priorities.
I'm a stickler for politeness, I hate drama, and get incensed when I see someone intentionally taking advantage of others for their own profit.
I have a rare disease called neurological sarcoidosis, I've had it for 8 years now, it's forced me to quit working in real life. It's progressive, and incurable, part of that group of diseases in the autoimmune group, like MS, RA, etc..... it's not a disease that gets much research money but perhaps someday, they'll find a better way to treat it, maybe something will come out of the stem cell research. See Dana, my SL income, with the exception of 10% that I drop on my fav charities, goes right into the college funds for my 2 nieces and 2 nephews, when I was working, and pulling in the 6 figure income, I was funding those without difficulty but when I had to stop working, my ability to drop a grand a month into those disappeared. When I found SL, and discovered that I could actually make money here, I was able to start putting money into those college funds again, they're very special kids.. all Mensa level, bright, well rounded, eager to learn, caring, just amazing kids.
You'd be surprised at how many disabled individuals have found new lives in SL, you know what's really cool.. for me? when this disease struck me down, and I realized I'd never be able to go back to work and do what I did, I finally cleaned out my closets.. and sent all those lovely business suits and great clothes and my shoes off to St Vincent dePaul and I cried, I had great clothes, and now I can wear the shoes again in here I can't in real life.
When I was doing custom homes.. that's what I was doing, building their "dream".. what they might never have in real life, but so desperately wanted.
I asked Pup to give me three words to describe herself, her answer is not surprising......
"Intelligent, compassionate, driven"
I have to agree
Thank you Pup for taking the time to talk to me, you are an amazing lady good luck for the future.
Dana XXX
(picture by Harper Beresford)