... asked by Pelton Darkstone
Pelton: First I want to thank you for letting me ask you these 9 questions! I'll just start right away!
1. Why did you choose THAT name for your avatar? And can you enclose a Newbee pic of yourself?
I got this name for a VERY old reason. It's my name on the net, I use it everywhere ! It was also a nickname I picked up at school. Well that is, the HexxKitten bit... The Soleil came because I am very very pale in RL so to anyone who knows me smile at the irony...
I dont think I have a noobie pic to be honest, I probably have something old though... I felt like a total noob for ages. Felt like I stood out as one too.
It took me FOREVER it seemed to find the right skin for me - I had a few scary disasters. I liked that skin until my RL partner informed me I looked like Pete Burns. I thought I liked that skin until then ... lol.
2. How long were you in SL before you felt you could function and enjoy SL to its full (at least the basics)?
A couple of months - thats when I suddenly twigged that prims were not really that scary and they would behave if you yelled at the screen loud enough ;)
3. What was the most embarassing moment in SL to date?
Wardrobe malfunctions are usually the worst I have had. I wore an entire prim outfit that didn't rez when I arrived, and it left me naked for ages... I now make sure I wear something under those. Or clicking the wrong button and taking off or putting on your entire inventory...
4. Do you have a picture or screenshot of the first place you hung out in SL?
The first place I hung out is gone now :(
I used to be a lot at club 101... it used to be a cool club. The owners sold it and the name changed. So did the whole vibe... I never really went back to it.
Pelton: First I want to thank you for letting me ask you these 9 questions! I'll just start right away!
1. Why did you choose THAT name for your avatar? And can you enclose a Newbee pic of yourself?

I dont think I have a noobie pic to be honest, I probably have something old though... I felt like a total noob for ages. Felt like I stood out as one too.
It took me FOREVER it seemed to find the right skin for me - I had a few scary disasters. I liked that skin until my RL partner informed me I looked like Pete Burns. I thought I liked that skin until then ... lol.
2. How long were you in SL before you felt you could function and enjoy SL to its full (at least the basics)?
A couple of months - thats when I suddenly twigged that prims were not really that scary and they would behave if you yelled at the screen loud enough ;)
3. What was the most embarassing moment in SL to date?
Wardrobe malfunctions are usually the worst I have had. I wore an entire prim outfit that didn't rez when I arrived, and it left me naked for ages... I now make sure I wear something under those. Or clicking the wrong button and taking off or putting on your entire inventory...
4. Do you have a picture or screenshot of the first place you hung out in SL?
The first place I hung out is gone now :(
I used to be a lot at club 101... it used to be a cool club. The owners sold it and the name changed. So did the whole vibe... I never really went back to it.

Pelton: I guess that happens a lot in SL... high tiers and all...?
Oh no, this one went because of owner dramas :( It was a real shame... It was a great place. But nowadays I am usually either working or I hang out at Candy Rose.
5. 70% or more of your time in SL is used for ...?
Mostly I work... I'm working on new stuff, taking the pics of them, packaging them, sticking them in store and then listing them on SLX/OnRez. The latter is waaaay tedious but worth it.
6. Whats the best item you ever built? Did you sell it? And do you have a picture of it?
I made a cooking station (fire) and candle stand that I am VERY proud of...
I am a medieval reenactor in RL and my group (Wars of the Roses) have these items... to recreate historical scenes. I don't tend to go medieval in SL though.
Pelton: Why not? There's lots of Castles around here (in SL)!?
It's not super accurate and the geek in me spends all night spotting the 'errors'...
7. Are you happy with your avatar, or is there something you still want to change but havent done, or is impossible?

I LOVE how my avatar looks now... although I tend to change my hair when I'm bored with it.
8. What was the most you ever paid for an item/object in SL? And what was it?
Most I ever paid for one item ... crikey, thats a tough one!
I have a horse, I probably paid the most for that!
Pelton: I have a filming HUD that was very expensive... 5000L$!
I do have my photostudio, that was about 5000 too!
9. If you could sum up your SL in one sentence what would it be? Or if there is a oneliner you want to share with our readers what would it be? Maybe 'Hexx the Kitten'?
LOL... but, no! Probably just that my avie looks as it does thanks to 'extensive pixel surgery'...
I was once complimented by a guy and I replied with 'it's all thanks to my pixel surgeon'! So that would be my onliner I recon.
Pelton: Okay... thank you very very much for the interview and answering the 9 questions. I'm sure the readers will love to read about you sharing these experiences.