These are amazing creatures. I am privileged to know a few and found myself wanting to know more about them. I turned to my friend Dezaria Cazalet , whom I have known for about 5 months. When I first met her she was in human form. Next time I saw her at a dance club she was a dragon!! She was not much larger than I am at that time. Quite sweet and wearing a swim suit over her dragon body. I thought it was a temporary outfit for some party or contest.
After I saw her a few more times I realized it was not just a costume. It was Dezaria!I still did not ask any questions. I figured to each her own. As time passed I kept watching and listening . There was talk of becoming a bigger dragon. Then came the invitation to a hatching! Well, I did go and found myself facing a huge gorgeous purple skinned dragon breathing fire and smoke . Her foot was bigger than I am! She told me this was her Astral dragon. She took me for a ride on her back high in the sky. Well, landing was not quite on the mark for her first attempt . I fell about 200 meters ! It was worth it .Much to surprise I was invited to another hatching recently.

A new and gorgeous dragon was hatched called Storm! I found out later that this was a different species of Dragon , a holiday gift from friends.Finally I found that I needed to understand this dragon thing so I decided to ask. I figured I would do a short article for the paper and that would be that.As my questioning progressed I realized this was not a simple thing at all! It is very involved and complicated.. I began to take trips to the dragon locales .Each venture showed me that an article would have to be much longer that anticipated. I would like to tell you more about dragons and what is involved. Stay tuned!!
In my last segment I tried to explain why I am writing about dragons at all. They are most intriguing!! Dezaria said “ I have a dragon heart – it is the most tenderest and kindest of hearts – a dragon sized heart big enough for the whole world”. She told me that most who become dragons know before what dragon they want to be. Oh , yes, there are many forms and species of dragon. You can be the dragon of your dreams!! Personalities count!I visited the Isle of Wyrms to see their territories. My first visit took me to the Cathedral. This is a massive structure m very beautiful, where dragons meet and where the eggs are kept. If there is to be a hatching there must be eggs and there they are in all their glory, each different from the other in texture for the various types of dragon. One can buy a Hatchling or a Wyrmling at any time at the Cathedral.There are scheduled dates for the release of the adult dragons. The Wyrms , adults are limited in number (usually only 10 per species)and there is a lottery for those who are able to buy them. Those with dragon hearts wait for the scheduled release dates (Equinox & Solstice) with anticipation.

I visited Limbo on the isle. Here I found a sandbox for residents, dragon or otherwise and next to this a market place with effects for dragons and other items for humans and alternative avatars.
The Isle is actually 10 sims, including residential areas with massive homes for the dragons. I flew through the areas where I was permitted to fly and admired the surroundings. There is a stage for a drum circle for dragon dancing there every other Friday. Nearby is a story telling circle that alternates with the Friday dances. Here the dragons can unleash their talents in tale telling and poetry. There are wandering around in SL .They explore, build, dance , and do everything that anyone else does in SL.Dezaria still has eggs to hatch! I am waiting to see another hatching and have a ride on a dragon!I f you are interested in learning more about dragons and their lives be sure to visit the Cathedral on the Isle of Wyrms, “Isle or Wyrms Cathedral 125,90,102” and I know you will meet some interesting creatures there. You can also visit Grendal’s Children and W&W Designs to find out about dragons there. Perhaps you will find you also have a dragon heart.
By Gemma Cleanslate