For many of us in SL, it is more then just a game, it is a way to fill a gap in our lives. For a lot of reasons this might be the main way of interacting in society. But what happens when you find yourself just as alone in here as you do in RL? If you find yourself just going through the motions of a daily role that you have created? Do you look at that as a sign it's time to pack up and quit? And if so isn't that the same thing as committing suicide in SL? For many of us SL is an extension of our careers and the connections we have made in here are vital parts that can not be severed. What do you do when you look around to see that you are in a room full of people who are all saying "brb" or over half your friends list are never on? When you find you have gone in a complete circle in the course of your day in SL to the same 4 or 5 buildings because you don't know what else you should be doing, but at the sametime know you would be doing even less in RL? Or when you find yourself more upset over being dumped inworld then you would if it was in your real life, how do you keep from pulling the plug and just saying "F***IT" ?
photos by reporter Dashwood Dayafter