It happened so fast it made my head spin. After spending hours getting ready for the party (one likes to looks ones best), I arrived. Just about to say Hi to everyone and then WALLOP!! I’m arrested.
A bloke is standing in front of me looking none too pleased.
“Baron DeSantis you are under arrest for exposing yourself in a public toilet.” With that he slapped a collar thing on me and dragged me to a cell.
Well as you can imagine, this came as a bit of a shock… especially when I could hear cries of pain in the background.
“Get in DeSantis, get some sleep, you’ll need it” the quite hunky Guard growled, menace and evil slipping out with every word.
“Hey, you can’t do this to this to me, I’m innocent and …..and well I’m innocent !!” I shouted…bad idea.
“DeSantis, that’s what they all say and DO NOT SHOUT or it’s the Tower for you prisoner”.
You know what?, the twat even smiled as he said it, but not a nice one.
“Ye ye you still cannot do this to me. I’m a member of the press and I’ll sue the ass off of you, you prick” I shouted again. REAL BAD MISTAKE!! Before I could even say sorry, a chain appeared on my collar and I was dragged, non too gently, to the Tower.
Modesty and the bad memories forbid me to inform you what happened. It was not pleasant for me, but the guard thought it funny…twat.
Duly subdued I was returned to my cell where I hastily IM’d the crew to say what had happened, mainly asking for a lawyer. I was too sore to sit and the mattress looked non too clean so I stood there waiting.
“Shall I shout again” I thought “m.. maybe not”.
I looked around the hell hole I had been placed in and I cringed… filth everywhere. My cell consisted of said mattress and bench. Nothing else apart from a leather guy grinning at me (where did he come from?). I looked up and there was a guard grinning at me too, that’s when I noticed the awful truth. A sign above my cell read “Baron DeSantis”, it was true then, I was a prisoner. The guard told me to follow him and opened my cell door.
“Ugh ugh “ I thought, he’s taking me back to the tower. “No way José am I going back there” hastily adding a Sir to it.
“Don’t panic DeSantis, I’ve had my fun for this hour. You have a visitor, follow me”.
“A visitor” I thought yes ! A lawyer. I decided to toe the line (for now) and duly followed Mr Grumpynuts to the Visitors room. There sat my boss , James T Juno. I won’t repeat what was said as that has been covered in a previous article by Dana Vanmoer. The long and short of it was that I was here for the duration. The meeting lasted just minutes and Mr G took me back to the cell, then a surprise! He ASKED if I wanted to go outside
“But don’t get excited DeSantis… I mean The Yard”
Damn. I again followed, bumping into the walls, due to being unsteady on my feet with nerves and shock from the inflicted beating and CENSORED. He led me to the large exercise yard where the weights etc are located. I looked around and there were other people looking at me. I spun round to look for the guard but he was gone. Gulp.
“Hi” I typed and was bombarded with hello messages. The natives were friendly.
(This is were I got my idea for my character whilst inside) “Is there somewhere I can clean up? I’m kinda sticky with blood and stuff“.
A convict showed me the shower room and thankfully left me alone.
It was then I realized..shower…toilet…dirt…wash hands. I checked and BINGO.. NO SINK, my persona of The Sink Freak was born.
More in Part 2