EC: Hi Ancien?
Ancien Beauchamp: Hi
EC: You have just walked past me and I am interested in your avatar
Ancien Beauchamp: Thx (he returns)…also your avatar is interesting... :-)
EC: I have to be frank, it's refreshing to see an avatar that isn't 25 and buff…
Ancien Beauchamp: Well... I have no tattoos
Ancien Beauchamp: and I am some kilos overweight
Ancien Beauchamp: I need glasses
Ancien Beauchamp: and my hair has gone
EC: The sunhat is a touch of genius
Ancien Beauchamp: It’s because of my…er…hair... you know.
We adjourn to a nearby sim with park benches out of the way of the light-sabres and a tattooed avi who is over-interested in the Cortes curves. I find myself worrying about Ancien’s knees…I don’t want to force him to sit on one of the orgy room’s low slung cushions…
EC: I should come clean. I am a journalist for the SL-Newspaper and I was going to write about one of the orgy rooms but it was leaving me kind of uninspired. Recently I wrote about project called the Avatar Identity Research Centre and I got interested in how different avatars are perceived in SL. I have met VERY few age-orientated avatars. I am really interested in why you choose to present yourself in the way you do and what reactions it provokes.
Ancien Beauchamp: Well…I have to admit... this is not the only avi I have. First of all... I have to say that with this one... well... more girls are contacting me than with the others
EC: Are the others male too? More conventional?
Ancien Beauchamp: Yes. One is a very normal male, not so muscular, etc. If you like, I can show you.
EC: Sure!
Ancien Beauchamp: So you can have an idea…
And so he shows me. Gone is the little dumpy man who reminds me of a mix between my grandfather and Truman Capote and there is a, well, handsome male avatar. And even then I can see that there’s something bland in this Ancien compared to the “old” Ancien.
Ancien Beauchamp: Something like that.
EC: Ok. So, what do you think makes “old” Ancien more appealing to women?
Ancien Beauchamp: No, not more appealing… I think they (you) think it is strange that a man chooses an ugly av.
Ancien Beauchamp changes back into dumpy old bald Ancien and asks for my advice on his camisole …one sporting a lovely feminine 1970s floral pattern, in mauve.
Ancien Beauchamp: and the sun hat... :-)
EC: They are excellent choices
Ancien Beauchamp: When this avi is on, I go around and look. It is very interesting to see reactions. But, well... if you want to know... with this avi I haven’t had sex. However, some escorts try to offer me a rebate…( he mimics) “50% off…300L$ normally, but for you 150L$”
EC: I can see that if I print that, more men may be trying on an old avi. Do you notice a difference in the way people speak to you?
Ancien Beauchamp: A couple of girls surprised me; they started talking to me and they said that wasn't so much important how I looked. But other girls, when I said "Hi!” said "Hi-bye"…
EC: Nice...
Ancien Beauchamp: Yes
EC: What prompted you to create Ancien?
Ancien Beauchamp: I wanted to experiment. I started with a "normal" one with size and skin similar to me in RL, very conventional, then I tried to change something, to have a more muscular one and then this one, old and deformed. I always went to the same places but with different looks and I experimented with different reactions.
EC: So, what have you got out of the experience?
Ancien Beauchamp: Before I tried this “old” avi, I thought that only good looking female avatars were interesting people but then I started to be interested also in other ones.
Ancien Beauchamp: but they must have something in their profiles
EC: for example?
Ancien Beauchamp: I don’t know…a phrase or a picture, or something else…
And, do you know, I found myself hoping that there was something in my profile that Ancien liked. The person behind the keyboard had a sexier mind than one could hope for in a room full of porn Jedi. Of course, these are the edited highlights of a conversation that ranged over music and SL orgy rooms, and that started to build a friendship. I find myself feeling sorry for the “hi-bye” girls. They have missed out. Big time.