As mentioned before, a ‘Lifer’ from The Ghul Federal Prison contacted me, saying that they would be willing to be interviewed. Despite the name, I was not sure whether the inmate was male or female until I was escorted by Vince, into the interview room, rather than the visitor’s area. This is a transcript of what transpired (some points have been deleted for legal and security reasons)
Baron DeSantis: Thank you Krystal for being willing to be interviewed. What inspired you to become an inmate, especially a 'lifer' ?
Krystal Lebed: I have a very hectic real life. The thought of having a controlled environment appealed to me. I have not found the rping spirit, nor the community that I have found here, anywhere else in SL.
BD: MM interesting. what is it exactly that appeals to you by being an inmate?
KL: One of the main reasons I come here is for the intrigue, right now I am involved in several plots, the twists and turns of them are like creating a book but also being a character in that book at the same time. Gavin [The governor] has been able to set up a medium which is stable enough to allow this to happen. It lets you look ... Hmmm…it lets you be bad, when you’re not really... I suppose, you can explore parts of characters that you can't of course in real life. For example... in real life I haven't touched a drug in all my life... I don't even know the right words for them, (making it hard to role play by the way.. without the slang, you just sound like an idiot) but here... I can pretend.... try and act the part... although in this case I am rather lousy.
BD: Sounds like life in here is not as dull as I imagined. So how do you pass your time?
KL: The inmates and the guards set up their characters... when we talk to each other like I am talking to you now, we are 'in role' if we are out of role we put (OOC) in front. So a lot of the time is spent, if alone in the cell, hatching plots with a neighbour. Had a great one to assassinate the warden... sighs.. but 'they' found out
BD: And what happened?
KL: There was a ran
BD: How did you manage to smuggle a gun in (if you don't mind me asking)?
KL: A guard that wasn't on the up and up, some of them you can bribe (smile)
BD: Just as in RL I would suppose. How long have you been in here?
KL: The person behind the avi, October... but changed avi's in December because the first name was more a BDSM character and I wanted to make a rich bitch who everyone loves to hate.
BD: Have you based your avi on anyone in particular?
KL: No, hmmm I just always think, how would I act if my parents had always given me everything... ohhhh I know like that girl on Charlie and the chocolate factory, the one who wants the squirrel. I am the only one is the whole prison who has a pillow! Because when Krystal came in she whined so much about the lack of decor Gavin finally caved in a bit. Krystal is still working on the window, a matching blanket and some nice Victorian curtains.
BD: So your cell has a window?
KL: No the character is working on trying to get one but don't think Gavin will be worn down that much. He is getting too busy nowadays anyway... its amazing, it used to be just him and I in the mornings, and now, there are soo many people!
BD: OK. So you spend a lot of time in here, how do you interact with other inmates. Male and female?
KL: Depends if they are on my side or not lol
BD: So there is a clique style of friendships going on in here?
KL: No, behind the role play we are all friends. In fact there is a big faction between my character and another lifer... but we ‘ooc’ all the time, then yes, we have little groups in the girls section... who is cool at the moment... who can get drugs in, who etc.
BD: So basically you all interact as if in a film/TV play?
KL: Sort of I guess, except there is no script.. and if something goes badly we can back track. The other lifer and I sometimes plan as well.. where our characters are going and who we are going to use to get there *grins*
BD: OK, how much freedom to move around do you have?
KL: Some of the guards are really nice, or it is their character that is nice, and you can even ask them to let you out into the yard etc. some Guards portray bastards. It really depends on who is guarding or policing at the time. and how your two characters get along. We are let out fairly often though, meaning within the prison. I haven’t been out of the prison since Krystal was created December 1st last year.
BD: I know that each inmate is assigned a guard, how do you get on with him/her (in RP)?
KL: I don't know mine very well actually, we don't do a lot of RP as of yet. This is just a new thing though. Vince is the one responsible for me, the one that brought you here. If I wasn't convicted, he would probably have to do more.. interrogations and that sort of lovely stuff
BD: Yes, I noticed him lol. How do you fill your time when in world. I know you mentioned plots etc ?
KL: Having it out with each other, distressing over someone's injury, Guards going crazy over this and the other, gun's shooting when they shouldn't be, there is drama every day. I am not involved in even half of it. Watching it is sometimes more amusing then being in it. And just as Gavin said in his interview, there’s sex, and relationships, and trying to get out of things you’re in, trying to get into things you’re out of. Really it isn't boring to me, or hasn't become that way yet.
BD: That's good to know (and between you and I) I am due to be in here for a few days, for charity. Any advice for me?
KL: ohhh neat!! hmmm ... short term right?
BD I hope so lol, have a thing about confinement eek
KL: grins... well would say think of a character, and try and interact as that character, see what the others do in response, be someone that you have never been before, just to explore it a bit. Or if you just want a feel of the place, be friendly to all and 'usually' the characters will be friendly back...if you’re ever in trouble give me an IM lol
BD: Thanks for that, will bear it in mind when arrested.. Speaking of which.. Were you arrested or did you 'volunteer to be inside?
KL: I am the only one here that we role played as being transferred
BD: So there is a lot of active interaction between you and 'them' in the way the RP goes?
KL: These days, my rich bitch character just broke under the strain of lack of material goods, and bad treatment, so she is now under psychiatric care. So the interaction right now is a bit stifled, but in the back ground, I have poisoned another inmate (actually mommy did it for me ) so I will be held up on charges for that when I am declared sane. As Gavin said,, the lifers have long plots.. weaving with and in other characters...
BD: This is fascinating.. why did you arrange the poisoning (don't have to answer)?
KL: Because the bitch took my best friend~ she had to pay!!! Krystal had a friend here that was taking the guard’s heat for her...The one I poisoned took Krystal's friend away. The girl pretended she was poisoned had to go to the infirmary... etc. And you can write that up if you want, I would love if part of our plot lines got into the newspaper.
BD: So life in here is not as bad as I thought then?
KL: No no... its a lot of fun.
BD: So what will happen to you when you get found out?
KL: Well, I am waiting for trial, and have been kept in 'the tower', as a dangerous prisoner to myself. but I haven't confessed.. I still maintain my innocence!!
BD: Maybe I could do a regular update on the 'events' inside Ghul?
KL: Everyone has a story here. When Krystal first came here, she was so offended by people who couldn't come up with a better word then fuck that she bit some guards penis.. poor guard.
BD: Ouch
KL: She has calmed down a bit thought .... Grins… don't worry too much. I had to think to myself...how uppity would a rich bitch be after a few whippings, so I tame her down as the months go by.
BD: Sounds like I may have a good time in here then lol but I'll make sure I stay dressed when near you when I come in then .
KL: Laughs.. she doesn't do that anymore, and what is to say he wasn't dressed? (yeah he was naked lol ) This place is what you make it, if you just stay in your cell and don't interact.. Then you are going to be bored. But if you want to try out something new.... delve into another... character, explore and have some fun.. this is a neat RP to do it in.
BD: OK will remember that, you have given me loads of ideas for when I come in (grins) and you have certainly changed my mind as to the whole rp side of things in Ghul.
KL: Good!
BD: It has been a pleasure talking to you and again, thanks for all the info. Look forward to seeing/talking with you again. Next time it may be that I, too, am an inmate.
KL: Great thanks for coming, you are my first visitor.
BD: What? No-one has visited you before?
KL: Nope
BD: Why?
KL: Good question!!! I haven't told anyone my avi outside, she was born on Dec 1st and been here ever since.
BD: Think we should start up a 'Friend of Prisoners group' or something.
KL: That would be hilarious! Could you smuggle in another gun? I really have it in for that warden. How dare he put me in a cell without a blanket..it is ...... a human right!!! and it has to be matching.. also a human right!
BD: Ok…..Do I need to call the guard now?
At this point the interview was terminated and the Governor was called in to remove Krystal so I made a hasty (but dignified) retreat to the outside world.
So there you have it folks, there really are ‘lifers’ in Second Life Prisons. Give them a call, visit them, but remember.. They are there for a reason.... "GUARD!!!!!"