Day 2: The Tower Revisited.
I woke from a nightmare but overall did not get much sleep, due to keeping one eye open on my leather clad cell mate. I shouted for a guard and one that I hadn’t seen before duly arrived.
“Good morning Sir” I said wearily.
“Morning DeSantis..sleep well?”
“Not really Sir but a dream about shooting a guard gave me the hots…...a joke Sir. Can you let me out so I can pee and take a shower, Sir?”
“Sure DeSantis..out you come”.
“Thanks Sir”.
I trotted after him like a puppy, ‘Nice bum’ I thought. Once in the shower room I stripped and started to wash.. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door open…
“Shut the F’ing door you moron” I lashed out.
I looked again and there stood Mr Grumpynuts, the guard from yesterday.
“ I said..watch the floor your on Sir..it’s wet” I quickly replied, thinking fast.
“Mmm I’m sure that is not what you said but switch the water off and get dressed..I want a word” he snorted. I’m sure he was gazing at my xcite tackle.
“Oh ok Sir…Is it about the sink Sir?”
“ For God’s sake DeSantis, enough with the sink thing already!!!”
I could still feel his eyes on me as I dried off and dressed. We left the shower room, me following him.
“You got a problem with hygiene DeSantis” he snapped once outside.
“No Sir” I sniffed and realized maybe HE had the problem. “it’s not me Sir, it’s the fact that there is no sink in the toilet”.
“There you go again with the sink thing DeSantis!!!”
“Sir, it’s not me it’s the sink or rather the lack of one” this was starting to get to ME now, but I have to continue with my persona and mission.
“Sir, it’s simple. Health & hygiene regulations clearly state the every toilet/lavatory/rest room or whatever MUST have a sink in order for the user of said facility to wash his/her hands after using the facility concerned”. I couldn’t help but smile and turned to walk away to the yard.
I turned round, hands on hip, ready to make another cute remark..and stopped in my tracks. He had some sort of leash in his hand. I could feel the blood drain from my face.
“You understand NOW DeSantis?” and this time he was eerily calm. I backed off a bit and simply replied “Yes Sir”.
“Good, now get out of my sight maggot. Get in the yard..NOW!!!!”
I made a hasty retreat and was met with stares and messages from the other inmates. They warned me that I had been skating on thin ice and NOT to push Grumpynuts too far. Point taken, I decided to work out in order to calm the situation down. After the workout, I went for another shower and overheard the following ..
Guard X: God is Desantis in the damn shower again?
Guard Y: yep, maybe he is hoping for company lol”
Guard X: LOL. Has he asked you about a sink yet?
Guard Y: Sink? No. What does he want a sink for?..he’s always in the shower!!!
Guard X: Ask deSantis about it, but I warn you..that guy is going to be trouble!!”
Guard Y: Looks ok to me, works out and is social!”
Guard X: Well, just don’t get him on the sink thing and have a lash ready in case He starts on the subject!”
Aha..looks like I am getting to them but have learned not too push too hard at one time. Hehe, this is going to be fun.. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I dressed in fresh clothes and returned to the yard to find myself alone. I sat on a bench, smoking. A guard appeared, quite cute. What grabbed MY attention however was that he had his xcite tackle showing!! ‘Aye aye’ I thought, ‘What has this guy been up to?’
I could not resist myself and duly clicked on his privates. Up came the menu and I smirked as I pressed the ‘squeeze balls hard’ option.
“Stop that” came the immediate response. Needless to say I continued to click on the painful option, even as he walk away and vanished. I kept on clicking as another guard appeared. I asked him what the regulations stated about staff flashing. He replied that it was not usual for that to happen and asked why. I said that I was just interested and that it wasn’t important, meanwhile clicking away like mad on the menu hehe.
The cute guard appeared from nowhere, his face dark as thunder and his tackle gone.
“DeSantis, just what the hell do you think you are doing?”
“Me Sir, what Sir? I am just sitting here having a smoke Sir”
“Oh a funny man are we? Right..maybe it’s time we found out just how funny YOU think this is. The Tower…NOW” He smiled as his chain locked onto my collar and dragged me to that evil building.
I was about to find out just how bad things could get.
Due to the graphic nature of the punishment inflicted by that guard, I cannot write it here. I am in the process of creating a SL book with the full story, unedited. All proceeds will go to charity.
Next time: Day 2 Part 2.…The Tower AGAIN!!!