by: Lucy Halberd
It’s rare to find a couple in Second Life who are happy and 100% committed to one another. It’s even rarer to come across people who are not only SL partners in crime, but RL as well. Here I will focus on three couples, all of whom I know personally. Their love is steady, true, and unwavering no matter what obstacles come their way. Here are their stories:
Anael Destiny and DL Pinion’s love story began by chance one day when she was wandering around SL, TP here and there lost in thought. “He saw me at one place I had teleported out of and just happened to TP where I went next. He struck up a conversation and captivated me from that moment on.” When I asked her what she thought of him at first, Ana said, “DL caught me off guard with his humor, sensitivity, and intelligence. He made me want to learn more and, of course, I thought he was kind of cute!” For their first date they went dancing and he seemed to have swept her right off her feet, because after only six or eight weeks, he had stolen her heart away in both lives. When asked how it happened, she said, “That’s a good question and it really just sneaks up on you. First there is denial, then hope, then admission, and finally, possible plans for the future.” They have yet to meet in person and when I asked her if they have RL plans as of yet she stated, “We do of sorts, but it’s very complicated. I agreed to meet him in seven years.” Smiling for a moment, she added, “If we last that long, we deserve to meet!”
Katy Story and Kryptic Watts met in a dance club and her first thoughts upon meeting him were that, “he was a very sweet and caring man.” When I asked her what they did on their very first date, Katy said, “I took him to a Chinese neko park. We spent the remainder of the day and the entire night together!” Next, I asked her how long they were together before she felt the shift from it being primarily a SL relationship to being a RL one as well, “I would say within the first month of being a couple. After three months, he came to live with me in RL.” Katy says her favorite things about Kryptic are, “his sweetness, his smile, and loving personality.” So far they have spent a very happy thirteen months together and have plans to someday follow the footsteps of their Second Life counterparts and get married.
Aqualyne Kohime and Azure Yiyuan’s story began outside of SL in a game called Dance Online. “He told me about SL and got me started on it. At one point he actually left SL and later returned.” When they first met, Aqua thought Azure was a “very sweet, kind, and wonderful person with strong opinions and a lot of talent.” On their first date they went for a night of dancing followed by dinner at her Second Life home. When I asked her about the amount of time it took for their SL love to grow into something more real she said, “Hmm, wow… um, about two months or so in SL, but we were already close friends in RL by then.” Although they have not gotten the opportunity to meet in real life yet, they are extremely in love and having the time of both of their lives together.
These three couples have found their true loves in one another, but how do the rest of us get that lucky? I asked each of them to leave us with some advice on how to someday reach their level of happiness.
“Omg…if you find it, hold onto to it, because it happens only once in a million.”
“I would say keep looking, but never look too hard, because that special person will find you when you least expect it!”
“Actually, give it your all! You never know what life has to offer, but make sure you both are willing to put in the work and willing to actually be truthful with one another. Be yourself and be open-minded to the possibilities of finding love on a computer.”