Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Breezes Thoughts

I was wandering around one afternoon, with nothing in mind but solitude.
Suddenly out of the blue I heard music drifting across the land. Walking nearer to the sound , I came upon a dancing group of people dressed as gangsters and Molls.

Ah, I never been in this atmosphere before. 'Come Bree be brave go on in.'

I stood watching this crowd of folk having a fine time, shoulder holsters, gun molls all sorts of things, Pinstrip suits, I clapped my hands.

Oopps, fell over a man on the floor, nobody was even noticing me. I knelt down to see if I could help this poor guy 'praise be' he had a knife piercing his chest. well of course I must help, but wait a minute, no one spoke to me, people dancing merrily having a fine old time.

Bang a shot rang out whizzing not far from me, laughter arose and the music stopped.
Yep, SL had bumbled the stream and lights went dim , sounds were stifled, when out of the blue the wounded man gazed at me saying "Lovely Lady where have you been all of my life?" He arose, wow the blood stained shirt appeared to be pure white again, but I had stains on my clothes, I said to myself 'This cannot be seen' so I decided to fix myself.

I surely did that, yes naked I was in front of this dancing bunch of gangsters.
I got so nervous I clicked on teleport home, not remembering I had no home. Yes I was so new , no where to go. What should I do? Aha I see the sea 'No one will notice me down here' I think to myself.
Please don't think that my friends. You see unbeknownst to me, this stranger had followed me into the sea..

Oh I was so flustered but he pleaded "Please do not be afraid lovely lady"
I quickly turned and in laggy SL this was a sight to behold. I was kindly treated and taught how to clothe myself rapidly.
He asked me to dance, what under the sea? What kind of life have I discovered?
I will tell you my friends, the most delightful life in Fantasyland.

Lovely people I want you to know that being kind to others will reap you long lasting friendships.


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