Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Drive by Agony Group Establishes Presence in Second Life

By Nazz Lane
Through a friend, I had recently been introduced to Carmen Gray of the Drive by Agony group in second life. Both of our schedules had been full but we'd finally been able to connect setting up a date and time when we'd both be on-line. We met at her place, the Life Learning Center along with Hope McAlpine and Hiliary Grant for this interview.
"Hello Nazz, I'm so glad we could finally catch up with each other." Carmen said in greeting as I arrived at the center. "My pleasure Carmen, and my apologies for having had this take as long as it has, real life has been hectic of late." I replied and then continued: "I know you've been busy as well, getting organized for the group's activities. I won't take up too much of your time." She smiled and replied, "We can take as long as you need Nazz. It's important that we get the word out about our plans. Why don't you have a seat and we can get started."
NL: Carmen can you tell me, what is your role in Drive by Agony?
CG: Nazz, I'm the Founder of the organization "Drive by Agony". The group has been in SL for nearly eight months now and in real life since 1988, our web site is www.drivebyagony.net .This is the Life Learning Center where the groups SL programs will come from.
NL: What is the group's mission?
CG: Our group's mission to increase awareness about the impact of crime in the US and to honor the victims of crime. Our activities culminate in a yearly event, bringing communities into action through a March and Demonstration for the legislators in Washington to take action. We need to increase awareness about the cost of crime it brings upon victims, the medical bills and education about how to bring the harmony in our nation and create a safe place for our children. This year's March will occur on April 19th and we have a full program planned for that day in second life.
NL: The real life group has been in existence for nearly 20 years now, what has been the focus of the group in SL?
CG: My focus has been to figure out how to bring the materials, the set up, the focus and the mission of the group into SL. When you come into SL you are like a baby and it is difficult. So I had to learn first then force myself to get involved in the community of the virtual world and learn to balance the two.
NL: How successful do you feel you've been in doing so Carmen?
CG: I feel good about it. The ups and downs and mistakes like in RL help you to grow.
NL: What have you learned about running a group in SL that is different than in RL?
CG: Wow! Where do I start *smiles* Well you learn how to deal with different cultures up close and personal. It's like you do not see each other but you can feel each other's hearts which I think is better. You can connect with people a lot faster from around the world that share a common cause of helping others. Working with others in various ways, you can share and support each other no matter what your cause is and feel free doing so *smiles* comfortable.
NL: What other activities is the group planning for the next few months?
CG: A grand opening of this facility is one that is in the planning stages, HIliary just finished most of it and people will be able to come and meditate, receive counseling and support. We'll offer anger management services and parenting classes. We also have a natural health care store next door to help. This facility will offers the SL resident an opportunity to come and speak with me about personal feelings of pain associated with tragedies in their lives, also learn how to control their anger and be a part of change in preventing violence. They will also have the opportunity to come and learn from the information about our purpose, and what we will be providing for victims of any crime.
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