Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mafia Boss Behind Bars: Sings Like A Canary

Tuesday 25th March 2008

The once proud and arrogant, almost untouchable, head of the biggest mafia families is now behind bars. I had the dubious pleasure of meeting him within minutes of his arrival. Doughboy or Mr Pilsbury as he has been named by fellow inmates immediately tried to ‘Lord it over’ us. Well, as you now know, I have a short fuse. This guy lit it on sight.. Gee Where does Adolphe Freschi think he is..The Ritz?
Within minutes we were verbally abusing each other…. Phew he thought he was tough.puleeze.
The Sink Freak laid into him so much that the bloated excuse for a human ended up begging to be put back in his cell (which thankfully is well away from mine).
I am pleased to announce that Freschi has been driving us nuts..he cannot stop talking and all the evidence is piling up against him and his former family members. I have finally come to terms with the fact that prison is a cleanser of the soul, and if true, the cleanest person has got to be Freschi.
In a way he is doing me a favour, I need do nothing..the 'Family’ will do it for me.
Sorry, had to keep it short as the pigeon (my last one) is only little, but have more news, as all hell has broken loose in here. …There you go birdy. fly man fly.
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