Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Honda Front Odyssey Front Frame

Meeting Point

The man is sitting on a stone bench, one of those that surround the square.
will have 50, maybe 60, tall and strong. He has a shirt that could cover a small car in the rain, if you would, a couple of huge dark trousers and shoes instead of the two canoes.
Correct me, is not sitting on the bench: it literally fell apart over a few minutes ago, and you are no longer moved. Sob sob like children of five years who have taken the lollipop. The round face is covered with a thick gray beard, you are soaking the gush of tears from his eyes, like a river overflows after days of rain. In the hands
has a sheet of paper, folded and crumpled half.

I'm going through at that time. The emptiness I have inside is partly filled by the music of De Adre. He understands me, he tried the same things that I feel, has developed and transformed into poetry. Surely envy him for that. A little voice in
head teases me: "Have you always wanted to be sad and brave like him. Well, now that you are, do not complain."
dell'omone make eye contact. Do not look for comfort, unlike me. Step further, pretending nothing but big eyes and shiny I have opened a hole in it.
I turn, I look at it. He lowered his eyes, read something.
I come back, I sit next to him, take off that sounds un'auricolare Supramonte Hotel.
I do not know what I'm doing, but I stand there watching, sitting a few inches: his large chest swells with every breath, I have a feeling that could explode at any moment.

But it happens. In fact, you almost calm, and the plant gets light, almost imperceptible. Then he speaks.

I lost a daughter, I've never seen lost. You, my girlfriend was pregnant when she left me, to return to his country. In Argentina. Not told me and I could not know. Then I wrote years later, saying he was happy, because he had Paula. My daughter. He told me that I had to go find them. I've never done, because I hated to leave me here alone, without explanation. I did not even reply to the letter.

do not interrupt, I would rather get up and leave. But I remain seated, as supplication.

'm always left alone, since that day. I did not know if you hate me or hate her, if you love me or love it. I decided not to choose, and I've lived without life. It has been nearly twenty years, she phoned me and told me that Paula was going to marry. I told her to leave me alone, like a stupid bear. I have not forgiven, even after so long, why? Because I am a stupid, stupid bear.
Now my daughter had an accident and I lost it and never see it.

Shit, I think. Should I quickly find something to say. But I can not say anything.
He looks at me, for the first time since I sat here.
"What do you hear?" he asks. De Andrè I say. I offer un'auricolare. Rimini is playing at that moment. Collapses the headset in his huge hand, and approaches ear.
listen together without speaking. I watch the world go by: some laughs, who cries, who speaks, who kisses and who fights on the phone.
this huge, her tears, her story ... are sucking away my pain. I know I will return, including Quelch moment, but not now. Is in charge of all my suffering, sharing with me his.

After the song gives me back the headset. Thanks me and gets up. And walking into a side street without looking to take.
I remain seated for a few minutes. I would run to her house to hug her. But I sit with the music in the only headset that I have left.

and now sits on the bed the forest that now has you as
now the time is a man distracted is a sleeping child
but if you wake up and you still give me back my hand
afraid what if I fell when I'm away
because tomorrow will be a long day and
speechless because tomorrow will be a day of clouds and sun
uncertain but where is your heart, but where is your heart.
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