Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mindless Violence At Ghul Federal Prison

Just days before this reporter left Ghul Federal Prison, an innocent inmate was once again at the receiving end of a guard's vile temper.
Jeb Nicholls aka 'The Beast of Ghul', tore strips off an inmates back, literally.
After being mercilessly beaten and whipped, the poor victim was led back to the exercise area where his fellow inmates tried to console him. Jeb just stood at the door laughing and taunting both his latest victim and the others.
Accused of having contraband somewhere on his person, Duff Horten stripped naked to reveal the true extent of The Beast's temper.
Gasps of horror and rage followed as we saw what had been inflicted on the poor guy. Blood oozed from dozens of deep lesions caused by the beast's favourite toy, a bull whip.
Tension mounted in the yard as one by one the prisoners saw the damage that can be done to the human body with a whip.
If looks alone could kill , then Nicholls would have died on the spot. Such was the hate filled glares sent towards him, that even he decided it was better to leave.
Tension eased considerably once this sadist had left the yard. Murmurs of " I'm gonna get him" & "Damn sadist" filled the air. This was the latest in a string of viscous acts committed by The Beast.
Something has to be done to stop this vile man from being allowed to carry out these atrocities. Prison officials refused to comment but stated that, and I quote..."Yes, an inmate has received slight injuries following chastisement, after being found smoking cannabis".
If this is slight, I dread to think what the authorities consider as major injuries.
As a footnote, word has it that this reporter is about to make an announcement that will amaze all that know me. More news on that later.
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