Friday, April 18, 2008

Noelani Mahana: Filmmaker.

I was at Ghul Federal the other day, visiting a client and overheard that the authorities were making a film (I bet not about all the violence though haha) . I found out the filmmaker was Noelani Mahana.
After a slight misunderstanding we arranged to meet later. Thanks to all the SL crashes etc, it took some time to eventually meet the lady. It was well worth the wait. I had watched some of her work previously and found it fascinating, I cannot even get a decent snapshot haha. This is how the interview went.
BD: Where did you get the idea for 'She kills Me?
NM: She kills me was inspired by the idea of a machinima graphic novel, I like graphic novel' Sin City and 300, so I wanted to make something with a comic theme...not of course anywhere near that but...more reminiscent of Marvel or DC graphic novels. Also I wanted a slight horror element like the old vault comics, I love mixing genres, keep people guessing.
BD: I did notice the resemblance, similar to some video games that are out there.
NM: Yes...although I am not in any way a professional or in the same league as real graphic artists and such. I'm having fun learning this art form, though
BD: How long does it take to create a 'video' like that?
NM: Well I especially made She kills me for the Koinup contest but then I couldn't just let it rest at one video, I decided on a trilogy. Hence part 1 and 2 is approximately took me maybe five days total, that is preproduction filming and post production.
BD: I loved the dark side of it, made me tingle
NM: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. Yes it was fun to make and a nice departure from the long hard work my cast and I have been investing in my second life series, The Nine Deaths of Alex Black. The first episode of that can be seen on the Metaverse TV website in it's entirety.
BD: So what inspired you to get into creating these 'films'?
NM: Actually it's strange story, I suppose...back in December, during the Xmas holiday I was sick with a bad chest infection, it developed into laryngitis and I couldn't talk for three weeks. I needed to occupy my mind...I was home alone and basically I couldn't I decided to read up on was something that had peeked my interest before. I just dived right in playing around with filming in sl. I made a couple of faux music videos (so to speak),then in January decided to do something more ambitious...hence Alex Black was born
BD: That was as going to be my next question, about Alex Black.
NM: Well, Alex Black (the name) was inspired by my original second life account avatar's name. I've always wanted to write something about a roguish female assassin in a post apocalyptic world and so I thought, why not, on a smaller scale make an SL series based off a character like that?
BD: Reminds me a bit of 'American Gothic'
NM: Well I wouldn't say that...I think of the Alex Black series as more...campy, virtual grind house. It is fun, silly at times...a little bloody, profane and sexy
BD: Silly question I know but..where do your ideas come from, for the story line I mean?
NM: My crazy mind! and of course I draw from the people that have inspired me through the QT (Quentin Tarantino, Baz Luhrman, John Carpenter, Dario Argento and more)
BD: I can see certain elements from Tarantino in your work, little quirks here and there
NM: Yeah I know...I probably need not to be so obvious it could seem like I'm biting off him...but honestly it's more of a homage to his style. Which I truly dig...ya know?
[BD: So where do you see yourself going from here?
NM: I guess I’m a gonzo machinimator...throw something at the wall and see what sticks (grins) ...okay maybe that was an exaggeration but hey! Well, for now I am just trying to complete my series. I originally planned for nine episodes but have recently decided to cut it down to six. The time, expense (with zero cash) and the wear and tear on my cast and self has been a lot and I just, for now want to have a completed project that I can look back on and say I did it.
(At this point an investor called in so interview was cut short)
BD: Well thank you so much for your time, I look forward to see the rest of Alex Black.
NW: You’re welcome Baron.
If you like your ‘videos’ dark, with twists and turns, and with some humour, check out the links below.
and look for new Alex Black Episodes in May 08!
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