Sunday, May 4, 2008

Interview with Pelton Darkstone

DD: What made you decide to be an non human in sl?

PD: Well, actually I still believe I'm human in SL.... after all, I made myself to resemble my RL me.. !
Only my hair grew into ears and my back spine grew out of my body... I can't help that... blame the Lindens... lol !
But to be honest... Nekos fits the Grunge/Urban style (which I believe resembles RL the most) very nicely and I feel pleased with that...
It happens to be the style I like to develop for or dance around in for that matter.

DD: What is the difference between Furries and Nekos?

PD: I can't really tell... I heard they say Furries stand for gay men and Nekos for lesbians, but I believe that is made up by some adolescent kid, with a not so good feel for aesthetics... Because if you pay real close attention, you will notice that very many good developers are either Neko or Furrie. And I just happen to like cats very much.... but if I liked wolves, I would probably resemble one of those and I would be in the Furry camp....

DD: How have you found people to treat you as a Neko?

PD: I found that people are sorta scared or confused by Nekos or Furries... Maybe intimidated... Because clearly their appearance is a display of design... I know I was when I first came to SL... although not very intimidated, but more intrigued. And u know what they say... 'curiosity killed the cat' :)

DD: If given the chance to start over would you and if so would you pick the same type of avatar again?

PD: I guess so... I have an alt... which I made into a Furry first, but now it's a Neko too. I just find them a little more cute and leave more place to design clothes and accessories that go nicely with 'normal' people ! And besides the fact I just like cats... I feel Nemuri-neko and what is noted on wikipedia...: ... is explaining what Neko stands for to me =^^=

DD: Extra Thoughts?

PD: I believe the best designers are very often dragons, who custom build their own sculpties for their appearance... But I wonder in which camp they are... Clearly they aren't Neko... and they are not very Furry either... I guess there is something like the Draggies too ?!

Hhmmm. This kind of got me interested in his point of view so I decided to spend a day myself as a Neko. Let me tell you, it was not as easy to find something I was comfortable in. My Neko experience took me into places I don't normally go, and my look was more animalistic then just most Neko's. I ended up being something of a Hybrid (not really Neko not really Furry )

Photos by reporter Dashwood Dayafter
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