Monday, May 12, 2008

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End of the World

No time, shit, take off from the road!

did not like to be rude, usually, but now that guy lying in the street had really did lose patience. He is not and forty minutes, and knew it would be difficult to come to her house in time, let alone across the way to the center he had met people like that.
He put his hand on the horn, but the guy did not want to move: it was, indeed, merely turning his head in his direction, without showing a big smile of derision.

But you scream, what do you care now?

When Paul heard these words, he knew that there would be nn to convince him to step aside: did a small piece of reversing, then pushed to the bottom of the foot to the accelerator, trying to pass as close as possible to ditch.
The man lying on the asphalt was able to dodge a little, but the car passed, however, on both legs just felt Paul the scream of pain from inside the cockpit, trying to avoid looking in the rearview mirror the result of his impulsive act. But we made it nn: the man holding his knee twisted, and shouted phrases incomprehensible to his plate which went off at top speed.
Well, will not last long, he thought, trying to dispel the sense of guilt.

walked, not just pushing on the accelerator, the stretch of highway: As predicted there was hardly anyone around: some cars were badly parked beside the highway, in a state of disrepair. He knew that in a few minutes he would have had to abandon his car and walk from there: surely it was impossible to center access, there would be people everywhere.
The sky began to darken, slowly, the clouds occupy a large part of the sky and a light rain fell on the asphalt, making it slippery. He looked at his watch curse, is now less than half an hour. He must be able to reach it before it was too late, otherwise he could not speak. If only it had been decided a while 'before ...

arrived in the hospital, he realized that his predictions were again correct: a row of cars was parked, stacked as in the days of the strike means. The difference was that now there was nobody in the cars. Abandoned. Both would no longer be served to anyone. He went down without turning off the engine, and began to run in the rain to the subway into town.
looked at the sky, nothing foreshadowed that a little later would have fallen meteorite that would have wiped out all humanity. While
take the underground tunnel, he realized that indeed it was normal that there were no signs of the impending weather disaster: The impact was predicted in the center of Brazil in Italy would not have even seen, perhaps. The news had said that the population of the Americas would have been swept away by the impact immediately, while the rest of the world would simply cease to exist when the planet would have broken in two, and then disintegrate. Reassuring. Paul knew nothing of physics and geology, but now the way he died was the least of his problems. That is, you understand: did not want to die, of course. But before the cancellation of all humanity ... Well, your death will certainly worry a bit 'less, than the prospect of being the only one to go between the general disinterest. The important thing was only able to reach it, before it was too late.

had hatched in the right words to say to her for almost a year, and now, just before everything ended really, wanted you to know. Romantic is not it? Declare your love of life in the instant before a meteorite will take away not only him and his feelings, but she and her wonder and about six billion other people. For several days he had felt pathetic, just thinking about it. He had given up.
Some of his friends had decided to wait until the end together at the home of a guy that Paul knew by sight. Grandis, he thought. The world ends, I'll stay and I sat on the couch of a stranger to drink beer. It's better but the alternative: going to church with his family to pray for their souls. Paul's mother had found faith on the road to Damascus, and had forced her husband and Claudia, the younger sister to attend a prayer for those groups that were organized for the occasion. Die praying to a god that is allowed to cancel in one fell swoop the entire offspring? Nope ...
Then, just as he was sitting on the damn couch, looked out the window, and decided to go to her. To Turin, in less than an hour.

think about these things, as he ran between the abandoned cars. He ran with all the strength in his body, with fine rain that scratched his face.
was thinking of when he had met at the party in Mauritius: sitting on the couch had been arguing about which beers were the best, if the Danish or Italian.
thought of when the magazine was in study hall, the one time she had taken place and he had bought her a white rose.
He thought that time had almost kissed under the statue with the horse, but then had a cell phone rang.
and think about the film in his head since he was a party. Him calling her name. She turned it in silence. That he put his hand on her face, she tried to tell him something and that was silenced with a kiss that even in the best romantic movie. All of course in slow motion, while around the world began to explode.

arrived in front of her house, dodging several people, the last section. The center was a real mess, there was total anarchy, as expected. The door was open, in the courtyard there were hundreds of people looking up, heedless of the rain. Some cried, some holding his own hand in someone else's.
were missing a few minutes the crash. It gave way in the crowd began to scream his name.
but could not find it anywhere. Yet they had to be, he knew. She told him she would wait for the end in the courtyard with her friends.
the phone rings. It was her. Answered

Where are you?!

The question came out as a threat without waiting for her to say anything. He was breathing heavily, the latter passes relentlessly, he needed to see her, or would have wandered in hell for eternity with all that weight. A crowded inferno, among others.

He heard the answer, just as the earth began to shake, people screaming. a huge explosion ripped through the sky, the building collapsed before submerging most of those present.

A home

A second explosion, louder than the last, he flew into the air several people on the street in front, while jets of lava emerging from manholes like water after a terrible storm. The ground shook as if in a food processor.

at home. In your own home. This phrase echoes in the head, for the last moments when he was alive. A smile on his face. A bitter smile.
, dropped the phone. Then, the dark
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