Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Popular Icelandic music in Iceland today

Newspaper Fréttabladid has an article about the recent Icelandic albums sold in Iceland. The Big Sellers are:
Helgi Björns "Ríðum sem fjandinn" 6.000 copies
Sigur Rós "Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust" 5.000 copies
Sigurður Guðmundsson "Oft ég spurði mömmu" 3.500 albums
Garðar Cortes "Cortes" 3.500 copies
Megas "Á morgun" 3.200
Bubbi Morthens "Fjórir naglar" 3.000
Bang Gang "Ghosts from the past" 2.000
Dísa "Dísa" 1.500 copies
Merzedes Club nearly 1.000 copies
Sena's CD Box "100 bestu lög lýðveldisin" 5.500
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