Dr. Gunni's List for 2008:
1. FM Belfast - "How to Make Friends"
2. Lay Low - "Farewell Good Night’s Sleep"
3. Motion Boys - "Hang On"
4. Dr. Spock - "Falcon Christ"
5. Morðingjarnir - "Áfram Ísland!"
6. Reykjavík! – "The blood"
7. Buff - "Buff"
8. Retro Stefson - "Montaña"
9. Baggalútur - "Nýjasta nýtt"
10. Singapore Sling - "Perversity, Desperation and Death"
Make your vote @ Morgunblaðið Website @
You can choose 5 Albums out of this list:
Agent Fresco - "Lightbulb Universe"
Baggalútur - "Nýjasta nýtt"
Benni Hemm Hemm - M"urta St. Calunga"
Bragi Valdimar Skúlason - "Gilligill"
Bubbi Morthens - "Fjórir naglar"
Diddú og Terem - "Diddú og Terem"
Dísa - "Dísa"
Dr. Spock - "Falcon Christ"
Emiliana Torrini - "Me and Armini"
FM Belfast - "How to Make Friends"
Hinn íslenski þursaflokkur og Caput - "Í höllinni á Þorra 2008"
Hugi Guðmundsson -" Apocrypha"
Introbeats - T"ívólí chillout"
Jeff Who? - J"eff Who?"
Jóhann Jóhannsson -" Fordlândia"
KK - "Svona eru menn"
Klive - "Sweaty Psalms"
Lay Low - "Farewell Good Night's Sleep"
Mammút - "Karkari"
Megas - "Á morgun"
Morðingjarnir - "Áfram Ísland"
Motion Boys - "Hang On"
Ólafur Arnalds - "Variations of Static"
Páll Óskar - "Silfursafnið"
Ragnheiður Gröndal - "Bella & Her Black Coffee"
Retro Stefson - "Montaña"
Reykjavík! - "The Blood"
Sálin hans Jóns Míns - "Hér er draumurinn"
Sigurður Guðmundsson - "Oft spurði ég mömmu"
Sigur Rós - "Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust"
Or even another artist/album is possible (put names in the boxes on the right).
Video of FM Belfast @ NASA @ Iceland Airwaves '08 by Abbey Braden.