Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This article is originally taken from:
Barangay G1bo blog...

Photo taken during the Oath-taking of G1bo
  as Defense Secretary

PGMA is Lakas-Kampi-CMD; Gibo is Lakas-Kampi-CMD; Gibo is PGMA?

This analysis speaks of the close-mindedness of some of Sec. Teodoro’s critics.
The argument is called “NON-SEQUITUR” (It does not follow)

Basic Premise why Sec. Teodoro should never distance herself from PGMA:

It is the height of ingratitude to leave the President who gave you the biggest break in your early political life. It is true that PGMA's administration has been accused of so many charges, but that does not mean that accusations should be ENOUGH basis for you to leave someone who doesn't interfere in the reforms you may have done in your department.

Loyalty is stemmed from the virtues of mutual respect, trust and satisfaction, and I think PGMA has allowed Sec. Teodoro to be independent in his dealings with the AFP and the DND. PGMA has not interfered in the way Sec. Teodoro administered his 3 year occupancy in his respective departments, so Sec. Teodoro has no ground to leave PGMA based on that premise.

If Sec. Teodoro would leave PGMA, not only will it speak of his disloyalty, it will also speak of two things.

1.) He is not a true lawyer by profession. Sec. Teodoro, by basic rule of law, believes in the viability of a case based on FORM and SUBSTANCE. If trial by publicity will take place because of his impending resignation, we might as well throw away the judiciary institutions of government.

2.) His reform agenda in the AFP would have discontinued, thus everything will be back to scratch, as compared to the current situation where Sec. Teodoro has set the stage for the AFP Modernization Program and improvement in our Defense Department in the long run.

Basic Premise why Sec. Teodoro should not be part of the IMAGE of the Administration:

We must have the capacity to look at our candidates as individuals, and not merely by associations. If we were to look at associations as basis for electing our officials, no one will be deserving of our vote since almost all of our politicians, in a way or another, are involved with politicians who have been accused of graft and corruption charges.

In fact, if you carefully analyze Sec. Teodoro’s record during the administration, he administered one of the cleanest Defense Departments in history. According to books, he was able to eliminate 60-70% of the corruption in DND by not allowing irregular BOT’s to push through. To add to that, this makes him MORE resistant to corruption, since he is only one of a few cabinet members not to have been accused of ANY Corruption issue, even a tinge of doubt or irregularity. This speaks of his resistance to any irregularity in government, despite the administration’s image riddled with anomalous scandals. This puts him in a stronger threshold to be the figure of clean governance, despite working in an environment riddled with accusations of transactional politics.

Issue that Sec. Teodoro will only bridge the opportunity for PGMA to become Prime Minister

First and foremost, Sec. Teodoro has pushed for a Presidential Unicameral government once Charter Change discussions kick in because PEOPLE always want to elect their heads of state, so this dismisses the opportunity already for a return in power for PGMA. Now, if PGMA becomes House Speaker, since Sec. Teodoro is now the President, she will have to follow the platform and the vision set forth by the President, based on Government hierarchy and party mandate. No President, in history, has allowed himself to be figurehead in history, since logic follows, that you need not follow anyone’s orders by that time, because you have the highest mandate in the land by the time you become President.

Issue on loyalty for PGMA

As human nature dictates, we reward GOOD acts with GOOD deeds. But if someone asks you to go beyond that, which entails you to do something bad and beyond the boundaries of law, that is already verging on servitude and slavery. Sec. Teodoro is neither one of them.

Issue on what Sec. Teodoro on the prosecution of PGMA when he becomes President

We should allow our institutions, our representative democracy to work once the good Secretary is seated in Malacanang. It is not the President to be’s role to be involved in matters that other independent commissions are assigned to deal on based on the constitution. If the President leads the prosecution of the former president, it will precede a cycle of vengeance and the President will lose focus on his task at hand because he will focus himself in seeking revenge on the former, thus the country will not be able to move forward. The President’s mandate is to lead without FEAR or FAVOR and it is his duty to execute the full force of the law.

Issue on Gibo being trapo like PGMA and being with Lakas, instead of going Independent.

 Indeed, we cannot deny the fact that Sec. Teodoro is part of the Cojuangco clan. But, if you will look at his history being Congressman and Defense Secretary, he has not taken advantage of his name for any political favor based on his lineage. His investments in private companies are clean, and that is clearly shown in the books. His decision to join the Lakas-Kampi-CMD party is both an ideological and practical decision. No President can ever win an election without sufficient political machinery, but the conversation does not end there. He joined the party because he can associate himself with the Centrist Democrat stance of the party, focusing on the individual as the key component of a forward democracy, rather than a whole set of non-realistic holistic approaches in changing the country. Lakas-Kampi-CMD is a party which advocates for institutional reforms, the same view of Secretary Teodoro in creating the atmosphere for solutions in the country’s current problems.


Issue on being part of political dynasties

There is nothing wrong with political dynasties. In fact, there are some dynasties who have been proven to have given cities/provinces successes in past decades. Now, if one sees dynasties as having the veneer to control local politics, Sec. Teodoro has continuously pursued POLITICAL PARTY REFORM, which will allow candidates not belonging to these political dynasties, by support of political parties, to defeat the dynasties seated in power. Parties have to involve people in the grassroots level, and power should not sit only in the elite. The only way we could defeat BAD dynasties is through the ELECTORAL PROCESS.

Posted by Aaron Benedict De Leon at 3:17 AM Jan. 18, 2010
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