If I regret anything in my life, I think in the past when I came back on my feet ... but not that I trusted the people to whom I loved. Because the important thing in life is to feel love in all its forms. He does not pass, but transformed. Then walking
discover the meaning of love with you especially the life to be processed together. You wonder that you had no idea of \u200b\u200bits meaning.
Why start a post so after not having written anything for months ... I do not know.
Everything seems to be linked may make sense from another perspective.
I know for sure though, that in life we \u200b\u200bmust begin with what it comes up again, no matter how ... I stopped writing, photograph ... I feel like I had never done before. When you are happy you may lose orientation. I would just follow what I've always chased me inside but I could not recognize. There are. I'm finally in my life. How difficult to reach themselves. How hard does not get lost.
I'm working now. Sometimes I feel like doing creative work, you kill creativity. My path has been like a rollercoaster, only often went down. Always have a duty to demonstrate that they are able to do. To be equal.

Maybe I still carry around, but how much satisfaction in sitting at a table and hear a simple "congratulations" ... My insecurity because of dyslexia is transformed today into a creative purpura. Distraction and soup in the head.