Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lucky Bob @ Final Evening of Músíktilraunir 2010 @ Reykjavík Art Museum on 27. March 2010

On Saturday afternoon I went to the Reykjavík Art Museum to enjoy the final evening of Músíktilraunir, a sort of Battle of the bands, but only for young people (under the age of 25).
My favourite band @ the "Musical Experiments" 2010 was the recenlty formed indie rock quartet Lucky Bob from Reykjavík. Band members are Gísli Þór Brynjólfsson (guitar), Júlíana Garðarsdóttir (guitar), Pétur G. Guðmundsson (drums) & Kári Jóhannsson (bass). All 23 years old, except Júlíana who is 20 y.
The bass player Kári got an award that evening is best bass player of the competition. All the bands played 3 songs. Here's the one I shot of Lucky Bob:

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