CIA # 2
is the 1st solo album of Bubbi Morthens
"Ísbjarnarblús" (Icebear Blues)
Songs on the album:
"Ísbjarnarblús" (Icebear Blues)
The album was recorded during 1979, released on 17. June 1980 by Iðunn Label and sold about 15.000 copies. The album came out 4 days before the supporting gig of Bubbi's punk band Utangarðsmenn for The Clash @ Laugardalshöll.
Starting point was to make an acoustic blues album inspired by Leadbelly, but during the sessions inspired by Iggy Pop, Bob Dylan, Megas, Magnus Eiríksson the album’s style changed considerably. Especially the lyrics were revolutionary. Bubbi wrote uncompromisingly about the injustice of Icelandic society, particularly in regards to fish industry workers and also migrant workers.
Starting point was to make an acoustic blues album inspired by Leadbelly, but during the sessions inspired by Iggy Pop, Bob Dylan, Megas, Magnus Eiríksson the album’s style changed considerably. Especially the lyrics were revolutionary. Bubbi wrote uncompromisingly about the injustice of Icelandic society, particularly in regards to fish industry workers and also migrant workers.
Side 1
1. Ísbjarnarblús
2. Hrognin eru að koma
3. MB Rosinn (Bubbi & Tolli Morthens, his brother)
4. Grettir og Glámur (Daniel Pollock/þórarinn Eldjárn)
5. Færeyjablús
6. Jón pönkari (Utangarðsmenn/Gunnar Ægisson)
Side 2
1. Hollywood
2. Agnes og Friðrik
3. Hve þungt er yfir bænum
4. Þorskacharleston
5. Mr. Dylan
6. Masi
7. Stál og hnífur
Bubbi's Website