Monday, August 16, 2010

Same Sex Marriage Blocked by US Appeals Court

The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals has put a hold on allowing again same-sex marriages in the state. Marriages would have been allowed again by Wednesday, August 18. The court has scheduled a hearing regarding the constitutionality of the issue in the week of December 6.

The tides keep turning in the issue regarding same sex marriage in the state of California.

Judge Vaughn Walker has ruled previously that it is unconstitutional for gays and lesbians not to be given the same privileges for a marriage. He then ruled that such marriages should be allowed again starting 5 PM this Wednesday.

Around 18,000 gays and lesbians were able to get married in the state sometime between May to November 2008 before Proposition 8, by virtue of voter-approval, banned it.

The controversial issue may find its way as a landmark case to be handled by the highest court in the country, the United States Supreme Court.

Same sex marriages are currently allowed in Washington DC and the states of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont.
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