Monday, August 16, 2010

Facebook Users Warned of ‘Dislike’ Button Scam

The users of the world’s most visited site and recognizable online social networking site has been warned of a scam where they will be trick to download a software that will be able to give them a “dislike” button, but instead of getting a dislike button, they now have an instant malicious software. The said software will entice users to a survey site where money gets paid to those who came up with the scam.

Facebook, which last month hit 500 million users, already offers a “Like” button for comments and posts. However, there is no “Dislike” button to rate them.

Computer security firm Sophos said that the scam, once it gets permission from the user, involves accessing the user’s profile, then sends out spam and spreads itself by inviting the user’s friends to get the button. Thus, the invite to get the dislike button comes with a “recommendation” from friends.

A spokesperson from Facebook said that, “We always encourage people to not click on links that appear suspicious – even if posted from a friend,” a spokesperson said.
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