Friday, July 13, 2007

Girls Love Their Hair!

WHEN THE CALL GOES OUT for opinions on hair, the girls come running! And they did just recently when Tigerlily Koi of Calla Hair sent out a request for some feedback on a couple of new hair colours.

My esteemed colleague, BellaTheWise Jewell joined the happy throng of opinion-givers in studying the fine distinctions between hair colours at Calla's creativity hub.

These doyens of fashion and style included Sakito Paine, Francesca Balogh, Hands Mensing, Daphne Abernathy and Klaudia Taurog.

The group were asked to study three hair samples and discern the differences in their bangs. "I need VERY close scrutiny," requested Tigerlily and true to form, the girls furrowed their brows and zoomed in close.

Fantastically, for a group of six women, all agreed on the preferable style, even though there was such a minute difference in the hair's appearance.

Tigerlily explained the distinctions between the three styles and then brought out the blonde version. Again, another unanimous decision on which style everyone preferred. No arguments, no debate - complete agreement.

World peace should be attainable if six women can agree on two occasions, don't you think?

Bella tells me that all the women were rewarded for their input with a generous offer of free hair, which made it a total joy of an evening for all.
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