Wednesday, July 18, 2007

GLBT Holocaust Memorial

It would be extremely hard for someone to have not heard of The Holocaust and have feelings about it. Usually people make the mistake and think that The Holocaust only refers to the slaying of Jews during WWII. The Jewish community was mostly affected by this atrocity but not alone in its suffering. The Nazi movement murdered anyone who they deemed to be socially unacceptable. This ranged from Roma Gypsies, disabled people and homosexuals.

Within a larger community at Provincetown sits the GLBT Holocaust Memorial a permanent memorial for those who have been murdered because of their sexual orientation.

The memorial allows people to leave small gifts, flowers and toys in memory of those slaughtered. There is a note-card giver with a small yet growing list of those from the gay community who have lost their life. GO THERE NOW

I spoke to Kamael Xevious who was the creator of this memorial here in SL.

Trinity: What made you want to do a memorial in SL?
Kamael: One of the most common questions we get about the memorial is this one, but honestly, I can’t answer the question the way it’s framed. We didn’t exactly set out to build a memorial—it was an idea that came to me while constructing the Provincetown Region, the idea of a memorial of some kind was something in keeping with the idea of the sim. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t go into the project because of any special desire to build that monument—the desire to build that monument came out of architectural necessity first, and commitment to the ideal as I did more research on the topic.

Trinity: What kind of feedback have you had from it?
Kamael: We really don’t get a lot of people providing us verbal feedback on the monument. Occasionally, someone will thank us for having it on the sim. The real feedback we get, and I think the best indication we’ve had of how effective the monument has been, is that which the people have left scattered at the steps of the monument.

The memorial itself is tastefully constructed and really is a beautiful way to remember the victims.
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