Pray tell me when did we get so caught up in drama? Yes It's that time again for me to stand up and shout for things! I have been reading with keen interest a few important things happening in SL. These things along while infuriating me made me build an even bigger platform for ranting on, made of course entirely from prims, or anyway mega ones.
I read with a raised eyebrow from our fellow reporter, Voodoo, about the saga surrounding the burning life festival. The thing that struck me most was, when did we get so like real life in this pixelated soap opera they call second life? I'm Scottish, you all know that and if you didn't then you should, frankly. Here in the UK we have the grand old civil service. Now most British people (unless they happen to be civil servants) agree one thing about the service. Its 'jobs for the boys'. i.e someone gets appointed into a post, the power goes straight to their heads and instead of employing those deemed best for jobs they employ their friends. Then should something break, in the theory if this ship is gonna sink I'm taking everyone else with me, the whole thing collapses in a bloody heap. Strangely I seem to find more and more of these situations within our virtual community.
AND! Have you read about this 'Nipplegate' fiasco? In a nut shell, it was a work of art, at an arts festival which happened to display nipples. Considered not PG this art was removed. (Excuse me while I take a moment.....) What on earth is that about? How can anyone find nature offensive? How on earth is it possible to find nipples in an art display offensive? I mean lets be honest here, at one point in our lives most of us will have been attached to them! Half the world has them and half of us are still attached to them for crying out loud!
Within that non pixel world we live daily by rules, human rights and guidance from big brother. I thought the point of this was to be who you wanted to be and do what you wanted to do? Clearly I have been mistaken and my so called escape from reality is becoming more of a cliff edge drama than my real life! Obviously I understand that without certain rules in place it would be a free for all and Anarchy would prevail. However when we start getting tied up in rules and regulations, it causes confusion, it causes chaos and a grid with no clue, except for the rule writers!
I wish people could have some forward thinking. If something is too good to be true it usually is. If you mess up, simply say, look sorry I messed up, its ok, most of us make mistakes, I have been known too myself. On that bombshell, I will leave you to mull it over. What decisions do you make on a daily basis and how do they affect others? More importantly do you give others thoughts before making them?