Well I actually really wanted to use my real name, but since that is not an option with SL I used the next best thing (by using my first name). I took the last name Voss because, well it was short and easy to remember
(I actually looked very similar to how I look today, maybe I should change my hair!)
2...How long were you in SL before you felt you could function and enjoy SL to its full (at least the basics) ?
I would say it was at least 3 months before I really knew what I was doing in SL. I took lots of trial and error and the generous help from other residents to get me on the right track. After the 3 month mark I started to purchase land and began to experiment with building. It wasn't until a year later though that I felt I truly had progressed to the point where I could do almost anything here.
3...What was the most embaressing moment in SL to date ?
I've several occurrences of changing in public gone bad, I don't know whats worse, having other residents mistakenly see you without pants or without hair. In either case when this happens I just cant seem to get to my inventory fast enough to correct it!

Yes, the first real hang out spot for me in SL was my home SIM of Tremendous. A bunch of us purchased land in the same area so it was nice to have friendly neighbors nearby. We would hang out at each others houses and as you see in the image take the jetski out to tour the area.
5...70% or more of your time in SL is used for ...... (if possible please elaborate)
Now I'm spending most of my time promoting my Second Life Travel Guide (http://www.amazon.com/Second-World-Travel-Guide-World/dp/0789737302) and building my in world travel hub called Landmark Island (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Landmark%20Island/135/128/35). Through these projects I've had the change to meet tons of talented residents and continue to meet new ones each day. I don't nearly just "hang out" and chat with friends as much as I used to but I'm still enjoying my time spent logged in.
6...Whats the best item you ever built ? Did you sell it ?
I'm probably most proud of the inworld version of my Second Life Travel Guide. While virtual books tend to be a bit slow in-world I enjoy the element of mixed-reality used to create and read them. I'm also happy to give items like this away for free on Shop Onrez (http://shop.onrez.com/item/467802) so all residents can enjoy it. The majority of my building now comes from taking pre-fabs objects with modify permissions and tweaking them for my usage. I find it is a lot easier if someone gets me started on something instead of trying to create it from scratch
7...Are you happy with your avatar, or is there something you still want to change but havent done, or is impossible ?
Yes I'm pretty happy with my avatar these days, I havnt had much need to change his appearance because its so easy to slip another outfit or shape if im in the mood. Because I meet so many residents I like to keep the same look so should we meet again they can easily recognize me.
8...What was the most you ever paid for an item/object in SL ? And what was it ?
Buildings seem to burn the biggest whole in my virtual wallet, while I only really actively use 2-3 I have purchased a dozen or so high quality buildings in the past. I believe the most I ever spent was about $8000L for a building, which of course now just collects dust in my inventory.
9...If you could sum up your SL in one sentence what would it be ? Or if there is a oneliner you want to share with our readers what would it be ?
"I see gray people…."