Baur, who appeared as the avatar Quick Sideways, explained, "Kobold Quarterly is a magazine aimed at fantasy roleplayers, in particular D&D and tabletop gamers. ... filling the void where Dragon Magazine used to sit." He told the audience his small magazine needed writers and artist submissions, as well as more subscribers, "Most of it is aimed at playable material for any reader's homebrewed fantasy setting. So, I'm taking nonfiction, game articles, and eventually adventure scenarios ... 1500-3000 words."
"I'm also taking articles that do a broader view of fantasy and myth. Nonfiction summaries of a particular element (say, castles or sieges) would be great. Actually, because D&D is currently shifting to a new edition (ships in June), now's a good time to pitch something that ISN'T specific to the rules."
Baur also had advice for beginning writers, "the easiest way to impress an editor is to put everything in place before the editor has to ask.
Then, assuming your query is approved, delivering at the requested length and on time. I'm always shocked at the number of queries I accept that never come back with a completed article. And even more shocked that writers regularly leave basic things like their name and address off a manuscript. Don't make me dig for this stuff."

For more information about Kobold Quarterly, go to it's website at http://www.koboldquarterly.com/. Wolfgang Baur has a site of his own at http://www.wolfgangbaur.com/. The Third Life sim hosts writers' workshops and classes, and has readings of poetry and Greek drama.
By Bixyl Shuftan